Doug Batchelor | Glory of the Cross EP2, & 3 | The Crucifixion

Luccas Rodor | Glory of the Cross EP2 | Christ on Trial – 10am

Doug Batchelor | Glory of the Cross EP3 | The Crucifixion – 11:30am

15:48 – EP2 | The Trial of Jesus | Pastor Luccas Rodor
1:36:02 – EP3 | The Crucifixion | Pastor Doug Batchelor


12 thoughts on “Doug Batchelor | Glory of the Cross EP2, & 3 | The Crucifixion”

  1. John 20:22-23 ERV
    Then he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit.
    If you forgive the sins of anyone, their sins are forgiven. If there is anyone whose sins you don't forgive, their sins are not forgiven."

  2. There were thousands of people impaled in those days, before and after. To me that seems FAR worse than crucifixion. I am NOT diminishing my Savior's sacrifice for us…I have just been wondering about the difference between the two, and to be impaled seems far more excruciating. Am I wrong??


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