Doubling Down on Social Media Censorship with Sean Kaufman MPH CPH

Reviewing a recent publication on COVID-19 misinformation and reflecting on the stance taken by YouTube recently for medical misinformation.

Sule S, DaCosta MC, DeCou E, Gilson C, Wallace K, Goff SL. Communication of COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media by Physicians in the US. JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(8):e2328928. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.28928

How can censorship be the most effective solution?

Sean has several years of experience in the fields of organizational development, behavioral management and modification, crisis and risk communication and emergency preparedness in public health and business organizations. I have served on the Board of Commissioners at the National Center for Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC), was a trustee for the Professional Development for the Society of Public Health Education (SOPHE), and Past-President of the Georgia Federation for Professional Health Educators (GFPHE).

Watch the previous interview with Sean here:

Watch more videos at McMillan Research:

0:00 Intro
3:57 Sean introduces himself
6:20 How does he feel about current Public Health strategy
8:15 If you censor, there is no leeway for a mistake
10:30 Updated YouTube Medical Misinformation
14:26 Should COVID-19 denial be misinformation
18:24 Thoughts on masking
21:53 Is there anything that can be done now?
24:01 Review of JAMA paper
27:24 Who stated misinformation initially
30:08 Results of the JAMA study
33:15 Looking at specific points of misinformation
35:30 Another point of misinformation about vaccine efficacy
37:54 Triple vaxxed dying – misinformation
40:18 Most of the population lacks critical thinking
42:20 The groups of Covid ideology. Any chance of pulling them together
45:00 Can Public health stop a looming disaster?
47:35 Conclusion of the JAMA paper
50:30 Who should the public listen to?

#covid #medicine #research


35 thoughts on “Doubling Down on Social Media Censorship with Sean Kaufman MPH CPH”

  1. There has been so much said by powerful unqualified people (based on them being misguided), and for me blatantly wrong, it has become difficult to trust anything they say now. It is refreshing that were getting clarity today, so we can understand how we proceed in case of a future problem.

  2. Maybe that's why Governor Cuomo moved his mother out of the nursing home when covid hit.
    But then allowed (encouraged) other elderly / sickly people in there. I would call that murder.

  3. Very sad to see this is what it's come to. Event though I just give a nod to research indexed or funded by NIH on fasting, I fully expect this will cause me great grief in the future and I don't even attack the big issues like this channel or Dr. Campbell's. Which btw, fasting can help a lot with.

  4. Overuse of hand sanitizers can cause your skin to crack leading to increased risk of infection. The alcohol they used to make those hand sanitizers are usually cheap industrial ethanol with organic contaminants like cancer causing benzene. You can’t help but wonder whether they are trying to help people or kill people.

  5. .All are born in this world of both good and evil. We may choose between wisdom or folly. Now choose a path we trust is for us. Free will is given to us, but God's will is where life leads to forever and home.

  6. You're becoming an advanced YT creator with special effects. It isn't necessary because the research itself on COVID doesn't need any introduction. The truth needs to be told…

  7. Boils down to this…..TRUTH ….IS WHAT EVER ADVANCES THE …..AGENDA ! ! ! There was …and is an AGENDA. THE LOVE OF….MONEY….We all have our "price"…….enabled them to pull it ..OFF. Many went along with the lies because of the PAY-OFf.

  8. Thank you, I’m a retired nurse. I noticed how the drug companies became and more influential in the hospitals and control over how the doctors should treat their patients. When computerized medical records occurred the hospitals could monitor the treatments offered to patients and were often encouraged to offer certain medications for certain disorders. They were even rewarded for the amount of drugs prescribed.
    I have studied Ayurveda and Homeopathy and use herbal and Homeopathy for all my health problems and have not used any pharmaceuticals for 11 years. I’m 76. There are many ways to treat health and illnesses. We need to have “Freedom of Choice” . I’m not vaccinated but use other alternatives to prevent COVID..
    Thank you for your information.
    I pray a lot also, Keeping you in my prayers.

  9. Comment appears to be blocked. I was not inflammatory but tried to display a real example of misinformation in relation to the subject matter of the video. If my comment gets yanked then why is the video not yanked also? Strange world.

  10. Thank you for this conversation. I agree with Sean, public health no longer serves the people, it serves politics and the industry. Trust is no longer seen as needed, because other means are used to direct the public like propaganda, censorship and mandates. The article in JAMA is a another sad example of science bought by politics.

  11. Thank you dr McMillan.
    I've been working for 22 years in a farmaceutical company.
    Old fashion vaccines.
    I've seen big farma has changed fore some years in Europe.
    Not positive way.,

  12. Very interesting discussion. The trials that come about will reveal these miscreants. They should be criminally prosecuted for cold blooded murder. Use the patriot act for what it was really intended for. Domestic terrorists. We have the tools; we allowed them to be used against us. Not it’s their turn. We executed Mcveigh for a less murderous terrorist attack on domestic grounds. I would like to see this done against these actors. This was not mere misinformation. This was an intentional use of medical information against the citizens whose job it is to protect them. They terrorized Americans and forced experimental treatments on them. Took away their freedoms their joys their ability to experience happy lives and destroyed livelihoods and murdered many Innocent souls. They made many people sick for the rest of their lives. And they created the virus that did it and hid and lied about that information as well. I don’t know how else this should be handled except by massive criminal trials against these people. This is a truly tragic historic event.

  13. There are so many who need to see this yet they won’t. I’m a professional I understand the implications of everything said here. Legal and medical. This is the most frightening phase of our country’s history. It was set in motion more than 20 years ago with the imposition of laws in the name of fighting domestic terrorism. Think about why our local and state and federal elected leaders do not want to interact with their constituents. They don’t have to anymore and we the people let that happen when we did not fight against The Patriot Act which is being used against us but not these people chosen or appointed. They have license to terrorize us and we the people gave them that.

  14. ‘Misinformation’ on public health, ironically Americans history on spreading small pox to Indigenous people (blankets) …Draconian is living a privileged lifestyle on stolen Indigenous land


  16. Wonderful discussion. Thank you. I must disagree on one point. Sean said if you have a multidisciplinary team, you will get the best care. My cousin had a kidney transplant a few years ago. Her team at henry ford in detroit mi insisted she be vaccinated 4 times! Her titer response has always been zero. Since when do we vaccinate the immunocompromised?

  17. Wall too wall irony and projection. You can't make claims like govt got stuff wrong in the moment while still believing ivermectin works after numerous RCT's shows it doesn't change recovery time. Hardly a surprise things said in the moment were wrong when this alleged public health guy still can't change his flawed position 3 years on #gofigure

  18. Thank you Dr. McMillan and Sean Kaufman.
    From my prospective this is the most important statement:
    “…there's no doubt that there are Physicians out there that have a specialization in infectious disease and typically they use that specialization to treat cases that cannot be generally treated by first-line or second-line Physicians because as a public health professional with 27 years of experience, it is very frustrating to see that in OB GYN or a neurologist all these others you know Specialties that MD behind a name does not mean they are credible when it comes to infectious disease and that was very frustrating…”
    Visualize for a second a patient in pain, who doesn´t know what specialist he/she would need, still depends on a proper diagnosis and treatment. Not finding such a specialist, some MDs without specialty prescribe "something to take", and blame or even call the patient a hypochondriac when the meds don’t work. Specialists are not always available or their waiting list is long.


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