Dota 2 | Conduit of the Blueheart | Voice Lines

Voice responses of the Crystal Maiden persona for Dota 2 (Subtitles WIP)
Voiced by (TBA)

Only the strongest of mages can endure the teachings that unlock the hidden powers of the Blueheart. Those who dare try have but one choice of master — an ageless avatar whose very first lesson is that success earns only obligation, and failure opens the door to a lonely death.

Voice response rules include:
0:00 Debut
0:33 Spawn
1:43 Cast Spell
1:58 Crystal Nova
2:14 Crystal Nova Kill
2:46 Frostbite
3:13 Frostbite Kill
3:58 Arcane Aura
4:38 Freezing Field
5:08 Freezing Field Kill
5:27 Level Up
6:30 Monologue 1
7:05 Monologue 2
7:38 Monologue 3
8:12 Monologue 4
8:54 Battle Begins
9:24 First Blood
9:51 Kill
11:02 Rival Kill
17:30 Rival Kill (Unreleased Hero)
17:37 Ally
23:44 Ally (Unreleased Hero)
23:51 Movement
24:49 Move Morph
25:07 Attack
25:51 Lasthit
26:28 Deny
27:12 Capture Outpost
27:23 Teleport
27:30 Runes
28:27 Bottle Runes
28:45 Purchase Item
28:59 Specific Item
31:01 Specific Item (Comments)
35:18 Under Attack
35:29 Pain
35:36 Death
36:42 Death Rival (Unreleased Hero)
36:54 Aegis Respawn
37:03 Respawn
37:48 In The Bag
37:58 Wizard
38:07 Emote – Attack
38:34 Emote – Happy
38:41 Emote – Anger
38:54 No Mana
39:31 Not Yet
40:05 Laugh
40:24 Thanks
40:35 Yes
40:41 No
40:50 Missing Lane
40:58 Item Drop
41:11 Taunt
41:21 Chatwheel (Team)
41:33 Chatwheel (Deny)
41:41 Chatwheel (All)
42:27 Defeat
42:49 Victory

[there seems to be a lot of dead air at the end of many voice lines]


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