Don't Waste 20min Failing the Event | Lost Ark

Finish the new event easily with these tips, avoid failing and wasting your time.

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27 thoughts on “Don't Waste 20min Failing the Event | Lost Ark”

  1. Good tip, you can definitely fail this event if you don't focus on breaking Nacrasena's tail. The buffs are absolutely bonkers, i just hit a 55mil surge skill with my deathblade, just deleted the boss basically.

  2. THANK YOU !! On my first try (in matchmaking because I play support) I did not understand why the raid failed … No one died, not even once, I was really proud of that, and I seemed to be the only one trying to break Nacrasena's tail (with grenades) but I didn't know that's what we were supposed to do. I reentered and everything went swimmingly, thanks to your video I finally know why. (And now I know that I will go again with my alts tomorrow, thanks for the tip!)

  3. Guess I did it correctly by accident.
    Logically getting shocked by the tail attack while fighting 2 bosses seemed to be the most dangerous mechanic so I focused on breaking the tail.
    I also didn't know about the chest thing and just left the instance. I'll have to run it again on an alt, thought it was 1 run per roster.

  4. I remember on RU we had 3 guardian fights but i don't remember if it was an event or not,there certainly wasn't a buff mechanic but they were weaker that normal versions.Either i had a blast yesterday,love this event

  5. Things to bring to event raids: Flares, a sorceress, roll the the dice on the rest KEKW
    Sorc is gonna have to save up her igniter to cast the doomsday fast enough to be able to throw either a destro nade or fireball after it and that tail is gone. Last phase she probably pops it with just the doomsday already cus of the sheer damage on it with the buffs.


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