DON'T USE CONVICTION !!! This is WHY – Fist of the Heavens Paladin Update – Diablo 2 Resurrected

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Time Stamps

00:00 Introduction
01:18 Conviction VS Redemption
04:39 Attributes
05:59 Skill Points
07:40 Paladin Gear
09:32 Mercenary Gear
10:24 Gameplay
14:22 Conclusion


36 thoughts on “DON'T USE CONVICTION !!! This is WHY – Fist of the Heavens Paladin Update – Diablo 2 Resurrected”

  1. Did I convince you to pick Redemption over Conviction?





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  2. After watching this, I spec'd into redemption to give it a try. I also found I had enough points (and plus skills) to get conviction up to -150 resistances. After a few hours of play, I typically leave it on redemption except when I run into any non-undead/demon types. Thanks for the video.

  3. on hc without enigma I kind of like the conviction + max holy shock route. it's unnecessary for pure CS, but it's nice for running around worldstone against certain mobs where you get much higher single target dps. I rotate vigor, redemption, cleansing, conviction auras and I rotate charge, foh, holy bolt on left click. I find one point redemption fine to cap off my life & mana after + skills. solo clears CS fast in games of up to 5 players. crushing blow on merc really speeds up a boss kill.

    I do want to try a foh hybrid with max fanat for smite and merc support tho.

  4. FoH has so many leftover points its funny. as auras I do redemption 1 point and couple of points to conviction but mainly using holy freeze and vigor. Enigma soon so maybe I dont need vigor no more. Its just so flexible to have to max only 2 abilities and rest is up to you. Definitely redemption is more useful with 1 hard point then conviction with 1 point. For only chaos its great and no need for any special runewords. Everything you can farm in cs. maybe not griffons but who needs single target dmg in cs when you can melt everything in waves anyway. gl hf

  5. I kinda think your spec is bad. Redemption really doesn't need the extra points – its a 1 point wonder, and frankly, IMO its helpful to have it NOT maxed because then when you nuke a whole group in chaos you get multiple waves of full heals, versus just one huge overheal that does 5x your total life.

    Frankly I think it's much better to max fanatacism, because between FOH really only needing 40 points and you already maxing holy shield, it's super easy to give yourself a budget smite on your offhand. Being able to go right from farming chaos to clearing ubers is super fun IMO, plus it makes my merc an absolute beast even with minimal gear. (Headstriker/lawbringer + gface + treachery totally can smash all kinds of elites when im running P1/2 ( I don't really do big lobbies ). So i'll just use fanatacism for the crazy merc damage, then swap to redemption when I need it. I keep my CTA in the cube since I rolled a really good base for a spirit, and use my HOZ on my smite swap. Frankly it's a super fun build and I really like being able to smite down stuff like diablo and baal. So much quicker farms.

    However if you're not running enigma not having the telestaff sucks.

  6. Doom and might aura on a merc is clearly not the best damage in the end. Could just pick holy freeze aura and obedience with the crushing blow and would do more dmg for 1/10 of the price.

  7. Instead of redemption, I opt to using Fanaticism so that I can still kill ubers without spending a respec. Still a nice PvM while also can convert my char into a PvP V/T paladin.

  8. What would be more budget friendly weapons for merc? Assuming A1 or A5 merc since we're all tired of using A2 for years. I am Grail on single-player I don't expect to see a Cham anytime soon.

  9. I use FOTH pally and just run constant Chaos runs and kill everything in seconds. I have an extra 25 skill points I haven't even used lol because I don't know what to put them in.

  10. I'm trying to sort out my FOHdin build, and I just obtained my first enigma! Im curious – Once you obtain your Enigma, will you be reworking your build? With the mana burned via teleporting, do you feel meditation will be worth while at that point, and If so will you go insight on merc, or maybe switch from redemption to meditation?

  11. hey Dbrunski – i can see end game set up being Redemption for more efficient farming – Strongly agree. However, play through (solo – no help) I would feel more confident using Conviction for any of the "Animal monster types" to give me that added damage to get through it – Maggot lair and viper tomb were absolutely miserable trying not to die or getting crowded and i really noticed the difference there – it is a much slower game of course, but, I'm not stuck against immunes or feel i have to run. A side note — I am by no means anywhere close to having the gear you have – no high runes or unqiues – highest being a Lem for Treachery on Merc with "strength" rune word.

    IMO of course:

    End game = Redemption (Funded with Merc – 100% – RIP merc – Easy D-key farm too)

    Game playthrough/Gearing up – Conviction (To allow farm for ALL different locations without relying on Merc to kill target – Ancients, Viper tomb, Maggot liar)

  12. What about combination between Dual Dream and FoH. Could be a good MF char.
    For example Dual Dream, Enigma, Hoto, 2/20 amulet, arc (for 75bp cast) then rest of items for MF. I think sweet spot MF will be around 300.
    But combined conviction dual dream and FoH. Will increase the clear speed alot. It's kinda expensive but will be happy to see if you can test it ?
    Also for the Merc I was thinking about 2 combinations. Doom, Fortitude, and the helm for Ice DMG. Or Insight for mana regen and more Intensive farm.
    Will be glad to see it in action. I know you can do the best example.
    Thanks in advance.


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