Don't trust strangers on the internet! | Marines Medivac to Grandmaster #7 StarCraft 2

I fell for the oldest trick in the book – blindly trusting people.

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15 thoughts on “Don't trust strangers on the internet! | Marines Medivac to Grandmaster #7 StarCraft 2”

  1. Okay, I'm the second commenter. For those who don't know. The first 3 commenters on a MaNa's videos have phenomenal luck on the latter for the rest of the day. Especially if you copy MaNa's build order.

    Try it if you don't believe me. You'll be amazed!

  2. iN THAT last game u had him but u have to lift ur cc to ur main, cancel ur 3rd cc, get a 3rd and 4th rax finish that 2nd rax, immediately bunker both sides of the ramp (3 bunkers total) and gg. He lost too many reapers early on but u only had 1 barracks with reactor vs 4 rax reaper.

  3. Yo, not scouting vs random and going for a greedy build simultaneously is wild. Also not cancelling that 3rd CC in the last game was extreme. You almost got him.

  4. I have watched all of uthermals marine medevac series, the 2,1,1 build is at least solid against all the races, 3 or 4 racks is also decent, you can also proxy all or part of both of those builds, tho it does make you rather more all in. Cc first is also an option against zerg, tho it is a bit greedy, a good idea if you know you are likely to get away with it against the usual strategy of your opponent, but you just die if they do an early all in. Planetaries, even not at normal base locations are very important in the later game with missiles and sensors so you can focus on microing the marines and medevacs rather than dealing with every minor harassment.

  5. Because of this series I started to play SC2 again. 3100 mmr so far. The rust is huge. The supply blocks are long and the mineral bank is 2k. The marines are dying before they stim and the smurfs steal my mmr.

    Anyway I took your build and modified it a bit. Took gas at 18 and went 3 rax with one tech lab and 2 reactors. The timing attack with +1 has almost the same amount of marines but the follow up is bigger.

  6. Great play vs zerg & a massive improvement over last episode. You can see the difference earlier medivac drop pressure makes in slowing the zerg down, albeit this was a macro zerg. Constant pressure & good trades is necessary thereafter, which you did well, and is how you win the war of attrition. The zerg will always seem to have way more through the midgame but with good trades (whether with units or drones makes less difference vs zerg) & base denials, eventually they start to burn out as some of their earlier bases start to mine out. The constant need to remake units & banes also taxes their mineral & especially gas count making it harder to quickly tech into lurker/ultra. Ultra/lurker will hard counter mass marines so you need constant pressure so they don't have the space to spend the money teching up, which you did well here.

    Few thoughts/suggestions – I think reactor first is better than marine first, and instead of delaying your gas you could pull scvs out of gas to resaturate minerals after dropping the reactor for a little while to get the extra mineral income, and then take a slightly faster second gas later. The pro terrans usually scout with the barracks scv, sending it as soon as it finishes, which gives you enough time to react, without delaying your natural much from lost mining time. Hatch first timing, it finishes right when the scv is arriving.

    In addition, I think the 3 cc build in this game esp without a bunker is too greedy and you'll too easily lose to a ling flood, roaches, or aggressive play generally including an all in on your third. If the pro terrans go marines no hellions, they usually do a 2-1-1 off two bases for even faster pressure, and drop the 3rd cc only after medivacs are on the way. I don't think ive ever seen a pro terran go 3cc 2-1-1. With a two base 2-1-1 into a follow up third, at best this wins you the game against a greedy zerg that doesn't scout. Otherwise, it gives you more resources to defend against early aggression, and gives you enough early pressure to stay in the game macro wise even with a slower 3rds. I'd argue the early 3cc vs zerg is a false economy because the zerg can easily always outgreed the terran and if he sees you playing 3cc without hellions he can just drone like crazy and delay getting banes & units. If he sees 2 base 2-1-1 he needs an early baneling nest and a decent ling/bane count by the time your drop hits, which slows them down also.

    You were winning the game until about 15min by taking almost exclusively good trades, and then u took big bane hits & lost that drop that equalized things a lot. Unfort one bad trade/big bane hit is often all it takes to lose your advantage as terran. The zerg will always have more bases & econ through midgame but if you trade efficiently, you can make do with less economy (you usually don't have much choice), and then in the late game, it gets harder to hold fringe bases, initial bases start to mine out and efficiency starts to really matter. A lot of terrans win games that way by burning the zerg out this way through their inefficiency. After that bane hit though, you got ahead again through superior multitasking/outplays, and after pruned him back to 3-4 bases when you were on 5 it was game over – all you had to do at this point was track his army and trade, he wouldn't be able to keep up. I agree the time was right to stop harassment and just keep your army together and take a big fight, but in hindsight (always 20/20), attacking without knowing where his army was, and going for the basetrade, was probably an unnecessary risk at that point. you had already done more than enough economic damage, you just had to max out, and take just an okish or even slightly bad straight up fight with his army, remax and do again. Hindsight is 20/20 of course.

    Another thought, it might pay to wall off with rax – you're dropping a lot of unreactored rax into the midgame, u might as well use them to wall off your third & subsequent bases against ling/bane run bys. You could also consider a fast wall off the natural lowground with rax also, instead of supply depots which take longer. Mass rax could serve a useful dual purpose. It could also help against ultras later in the game also.

    Thanks for the content. I watch a lot of pro terran content & follow uThermal, HeroMarine, Clem, Maru etc closely, so have a decent strategic understanding of terran & various match ups. I can't play close to your level with terran though (im low-mid 3ks) as you have great natural mechanics and speed which I lack. Looking forward to more episodes in this series!


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