Don't Miss Your Chance To Play This Game


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There are a ton of indie games that are underrated, this this video I want to talk about some of the best ones and why if we don’t support them, we may miss something incredible.

Games in this video:
Enter The Gungeon
Blaster Master Zero 3
And I think everything else shown I say the name of in the video.


Underrated Switch Games
PS5 Indie Games
Underrated Indie Games


26 thoughts on “Don't Miss Your Chance To Play This Game”

  1. First and foremost, thank you for the support, I really appreciate it and I'm glad you guys enjoyed the video so much! On a more serious note, I think there might be a bot impersonating me in the comments asking you to click a link or something. That ain't me boss, don't listen to it. Oh and regarding okamiden, a lot of you have pointed it out, I should have made this more clear in the video but when I said "sequel" I was referring to a console sequel. I think that's it, thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next one!

  2. CrossCode is already exceptional on so many levels, but I can't help but imagine how successful it could've been if the MMORPG aspect was included as a functional multiplayer element rather than a story gimmick. It makes me think back to the .hack games, which all had a similar hook but also quickly dwindled into obscurity.

  3. this is honestly pretty wholesome considering the comparisons that can be drawn between indie devs and smaller youtubers. keep up the good work and i hope you blow up for it.

  4. The reason this game is somewhat unknown is down to the fact that it's a small German indie game. There you go.
    It's rarely acknowledged, but it's simply a fact that there's more money in the American gaming market. Especially when it comes to advertising. Most European publishers that would work with a German Indie studio simply don't have the same reach as their US counterparts and they're also far less active on social media platforms as well.
    I mean, who has ever even heard of Deck13 in the grand picture, right?
    (Not to mention that uncomfortable fact that there is also some degree of implicit bias going on with consumers and international gaming media against anything that's not from either the US or Japan. What were those lovely terms people like to throw around again? Eurojank? Slavjank? Just saying.)

  5. I followed Crosscode since it's cbt, and man, the game went through plenty of struggles back then because if listening to a small yet loud minority. People complaining the game was too hard, then complaining it was too grindy (you just had to clean up an entire zone 3 to 5 times to be at the right level for a dungeon), then they found out they made it too easy and lots more of people complained about it.
    The game sadly struggled a lot in it's early stages which made it quickly lose all traction since they spent too much time trying to make people happy rather than progress with developing the story.
    It's early access also launched with only 30% of the game available so it made it even worse, but then again, this was due to a loud minority just wanting the game to be easy and they refused to grind at all.
    I was happy to know they backed down on all those adjustments to make it easy and decided to go for the difficulty sliders instead, but by then the hype was already kinda dead since people lost hope in the game being old school, but with cool gameplay.
    Nonetheless, Crosscode is easily in my top 3 best games I've played in all my 25+ years of gaming. My only complaint is they made the ending of the story a paid DLC.

  6. RE:Okami: The mistake they made with Okami was… releasing it on CONSOLE-ONLY instead of PC. That's why it only did 200k on its initial release, and 2 million on re-release. The re-release was on Steam-PC and many people who saw this awesome game, that didn't have access to it, suddenly had access to it and subsequently bought it. Console Exclusivity KILLS games. You will simply sell more copies by releasing to as many platforms as possible than you would by signing exclusivity deals. Sure you get a chunk of change upfront from Sony, but you will miss out in the end run by the millions of copies your awesome game could have sold on Steam. And by the time it DOES sell on Steam, it will be discounted, with all DLCs packaged, and those sales won't be counted as part of the game's initial release success, which means it's harder to get greenlights for sequels.

  7. As for CrossCode, I loved the combat, but the puzzles and some of the world design gave me pause. I found myself getting lost over and over again trying to figure out how to reach some ledge or cave outside of dungeons, the dungeon run competitions with Emillie or whatever her name is, are outright impossible even if you know exactly what to do in the dungeon, so even if you think you're doing awesome, she talks crap about you and magically appears in the final room even though she sent you a message a couple minutes before completing it saying she was halfway, it's just kinda stupid. Also, some of the rare drop lottery… killing stuff over and over again trying to get 2 rare items to trade for a piece of gear… I know they wanted it to feel like an MMO but eugh. I think they went a bit further than they had to.

    But yes, the combat and the music was simply top-notch. Would like to have a Cross Code, but less puzzles and a less confusing-to-navigate world.

  8. I would like to add another game to this list, though it did actually have a lot of success, I think it deserves MORE success, and that is OMORI. It's got 30,000+ reviews on Steam at a 98% Overwhelmingly Positive, but yet… I want more of this. I want more good Turn-Based RPGMaker style games. doesn't have to be RPGM, but I miss Turn-Based JRPGs. I know there's Persona, but eh. I don't like time limits for plot points. There's DQ11, and sure, that's all good and all but I don't want to be drip-fed 1 game every 5+ years. Let's get some more love for stuff like OMORI going!

  9. I love okami so much
    Definitely my favorite game I've ever played. But Noone has ever hers of it until recently. Thank you for shedding light on it and other indie game I do desperately hope others have the joy to experience


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