Don't Declare Anyone as Misguided – Ep. 25 – Surah An-Najm | Nouman Ali Khan

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In this episode of Surah An-Najm, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delves into the perceptions some of us may have towards our fellow brothers in Islam. He makes it clear that declaring someone as guided or misguided is simply not our place to do, as only Allah has full knowledge of a person’s innermost intentions.

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31 thoughts on “Don't Declare Anyone as Misguided – Ep. 25 – Surah An-Najm | Nouman Ali Khan”

  1. A drop from the ocean of knowledge either good or bad is only a fraction of His bounty of knowledge, for with God is the full knowledge and He knows where each one stands and is heading for.

  2. Assalamu alaikum and peace be upon whoever follows the Guidance.
    Really disappointed that our dear Shaikh Nouman Ali Khan brought on a guest speaker, Amr Khaled, who encouraged the killing of thousands of innocent Muslim brothers and sisters in Egypt in the Rabia massacre in 2013 and continues to encourage their prosecution to this day under Egypt's dictator. Please be careful who you bring on shaikh, not everyone can be trusted.
    Jazak Allahu khairan.

  3. What about people who openly denies what's in the Quran or asks for reinterpretation? Isnt that indirectly rejecting Quran? I have no problem with these people on personal level but if they're trying to change it for the entire Muslim community, then i do have a problem with it. Especially if they're using their words to spread these fake information or false hope to others in order to please the other woke people. Sure I have no right to judge them but I think inside out we all know or feel thats quite munafiqin/kufr thing to do and try to stay away from them especially if we think they're being a bad influence to our faith.

  4. Man the last sounding board "yeah, yeah get them" got me 😂😂😂 watch each episode until now on surah Al najm. May Allah increase our understanding of His Ayat and increase our Iman. Ameen ❤️

  5. Noman: dont muddy the watters. People (of knowledge) need to expose deviance. But we cannot judge their outcome in After-Life. The gold standard for this life is known (Quran + Sunnah) so we CAN judge people again against that but we dont judge outcomes. The second part is clear from the Hadeeth about the guy who stole a cloth from war booty and people judged he was going straight to Heaven.
    So, no one can judge the After-Life outcome nor your intentions but we gonna be gunz blazzin to judge your actions against the gold standard (as understood by people of knowledge of ourse).

  6. The title is a bit of a click bait and self contradictory. I mean, when you tell someone not to call anyone misguided, you are in effect telling them that they are misguided…

    Yes, it is actually your business make judgements. You have to. You have no choice. The question is not whether or not you should formulate an opinion or make a judgment. The question is what should you do based on a judgement that you arrived at, like should you keep it to yourself or share it with someone or take a certain action, etc. Another important aspect of judging others is how can you discriminate between a very likely correct judgment that is well founded and justified from a misjudgment that is unfounded and unjust.

  7. Anas reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Blessed is he who is occupied with his own faults over the faults of people.”

    Source: Musnad al-Bazzār 6237
    Grade: Hasan according to Ibn Hajar

  8. Aselamalykum werahmetullah webrekatu brother Numan
    My name is Meaza Medlock I always listen to your lectures and learn lots Allhamdulilah may Allah rewards for everything you do Ameen.
    I ask you small fever can you let watch your lectures of Surah Nahum fully and other surahs? Please Allah loves who gives /sadaqa.
    May Allah accepts your ibada gives you long life for sure the Ummah will benefit from your elms/knowledge.

  9. In some cases it is important to distinguish whether someone is a muslim or not. For example in case of marriage. But there should be a large examination and the person of doubt should be involved.. But you cannot say in all cases: just let it be, it's not our business.. Sometimes it really is. Because in this example you have to be sure you're marrying a muslim..

  10. still not convinced “hijab” is a part of faith, or beards. are we talking fashion or spiritual alchemy? 😂 we can look at Sikhs for ex. & think all that is unnecessary…let’s emphasize inner work & ignore outer facades & judgments. my grandmother, mother, sisters never covered themselves, it’s a new Saudi export/interpretation. Remember Saudis warred with & drove out the Hashemites. Then they allied with Mr. Wahhab the intolerant fool.

  11. This is one of the meaning of al-adiyat surah:

    Allah says in the Quran I swear by the horses rushing and breathing shoving, and then Allah says Verily, a person in relation to his Lord is certainly not grateful. What is the connection between the ingratitude of a person and the horses which Allah swore.

    Allah says, even an animal without a mind is so devoted to his master that the very heat of the battle is ready to break out, the environment of the crowd where there is fervor and nothing is visible, where death awaits him at every step, where the blood boils from fatigue, burning the chest, and this is all only because the owner fed it. and you are a man, Allah created you, endowed you with inheritances, but you still resist him, although he asks you only to worship him alone.


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