Don't call him a hybrid

Sometimes the werewolf bite goes wrong on the Teen Wolf TV show but it’s still a werewolf bite – the result is always either death or a werewolf. It may be a screwed up werewolf (kanima, werejaguar) – but the result is always a werewolf.

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20 thoughts on “Don't call him a hybrid”

  1. But he can still go from werewolf to kanima as shown in season 6. We understand all kanima come from werewolves but with the butterfly thing it’s like a butterfly that can go back and fourth from a caterpillar, and change at will it’s not a 1 and done change

  2. Bro that’s literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard😂🤦🏻‍♂️ he IS a hybrid part kanima part werewolf him and Ethan even said that😂 a normal werewolf don’t have a reptilian tail and eyes. His claws can also still paralyze people also. So yes guys he is a hybrid. Most of the things I’ve heard from this channel is false. Sorry man but these aren’t facts. It doesn’t take a five-year-old to understand what a hybrid is🤣

  3. Why Jackson had superhuman strenght when he fight Scott, and has inmunity and ailities of kanima like the the tail and inmunity to regular wolfbane without any weakness as a werewolf? It seems its all advantajes.

  4. Could there be wild kanimas out there? In season 2 i was said that is someone broke the rules of the kanima they become a kanima is matt the first person in kanima history to break the rules if not there should be two types of kanima(as in 2 methods of becoming one) the werewolf bite gone wrong and those who broke the rules the bad bites can be cured by facing their trauma what about the other ones

  5. What about Isaac? He had some serious baggage why didn’t he transform into something other than a werewolf? They are even sort of in the same line of Jackson’s issues

  6. dude wtf the last scene explains what a hybrid is and point blank tells viewers that jackson is a hybrid then you’re saying that jackson isn’t a hybrid despite this? yeah right I want you to convince jeff davis that jackson was never a hybrid and then it’s whatever but until then you’re really getting ahead of yourself lol


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