Donald Trump's lawyers send ABSURD letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland

Donald Trump’s criminal defense attorneys James Trusty and John Rowley III, send an absurd letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding a meting because of how “unfair” Special Counsel Jack Smith is treating Donald Trump. The letter is an embarrassment to the legal profession and is essentially a public relations piece masquerading as lawyering.

This video takes on why it was folly sending such a letter to Garland.

This video also discusses normal Department of Justice procedures regarding how and when federal prosecutors actually do meet with the defense attorneys who represent the target of a grand jury investigation.

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36 thoughts on “Donald Trump's lawyers send ABSURD letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland”

  1. It could be that they already received a letter from Special Counsel Smith which means that investigation is going to end in an indictment and Trump to have it his way has written this letter to the AG and make his lawyer sign for it.

  2. Do you think maybe Kaitlin Collins was acting as an informant for Jack Smith at the CNN "town hall"? Instead of wearing a wire, she got Trump to record his confessions on national television! Brilliant!

  3. Jack Smith/Merrick Garland need to indict Trump for seditious conspiracy thereby disqualifying him from ever holding office again. The Proud Boys, Oath Keepers etc. were all acting on his behalf on January 6th so, to only hold them and the rest of the insurrectionists accountable makes no sense. The insurrection was Trump and his sycophant's idea and was carried out on his orders. LOCK HIM UP!

  4. You sir are disgraceful and amateur.

    If JUSTICE matters Joe Biden and his family would be in Prison. So would Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and any other individual who profited from influence pedaling and insider trading.

  5. "Third rate lawyering". That's because only third rate lawyers will work for thar criminal. I'll betcha' dollars to donuts that Trump FORCED his dumbass lawyers to write and send that letter. If they had any integrity, they'd have quit Trump rather than send that letter. Of course, if they had any integrity, they wouldn't have represented the criminal EX-President in the first place.

  6. He has committed so many crimes how does being a ex-president have anything to do will how hes treated. He broke so many laws. He needs to be locked up! And if they find Biden and family guilty they can be locked up too. But to my knowledge they haven't found anything yet. Trump has committed capital crimes. Not just money crimes. An inserection, stealing and hiding ourcountries private documents and then money laundering. These lawyers are pathetic.

  7. Woa, they literally try anything in the book to save their asses. This letter is a sign of desperation. They are running out of options quickly, but they are taking action on every opportunity they can.

  8. J6 was a sad day. But why did Pelosi reject the national guard bc she was in charge of security and they knew days before of possible riots. .and why was she never questioned from the j6 committee?
    Even the final report said it was a security failure


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