Donald Trump tipped to ‘get back in’ against all odds

Media commentator Karalee Katsambanis has predicted Donald Trump will return for a second term as US president in 2024.

“I do actually think against all odds – like last time – he will get back in,” Ms Katsambanis said.

This comes as the US state of Maine on Friday removed Trump from its primary ballot in the 2024 election.

According to a Fox Business poll of Iowa GOP caucus-goers, Mr Trump is polling at 52 per cent, Ron DeSantis at 18 per cent, Nikki Haley at 16 per cent, Vivek Ramaswamy is at seven per cent and Chris Christie is at three per cent.

More than 80 per cent of Trump supporters say their minds cannot be changed at this point.


25 thoughts on “Donald Trump tipped to ‘get back in’ against all odds”

  1. So I watch you guys and appreciate your news. On a personal note, I always wanted to visit Australia, as a kid and as a young man etc. But after seeing you guys report on how shitty things are going there as far as the ridiculous woke political state, it's really not even on my radar anymore😢. I hope you guys can turn things around and I hope we here in the u.s can also ❤

  2. President Trump will be back. He has even more support now than he did 2020 at over 100M votes. That's what the criminals are afraid of and why they're importing illegal alien parasites from every crap hole around the world. They won't steal this election

  3. I really don't understand why Donald Trump and his supporters stand in the way of Universal Health Care.

    Considering it's the only way they're ever going to get the HELP they need!!!!

    Many other constitutionally eligible republicans with similar policies are on the ticket – why does the media chose to suffer from trump derangement syndrome???

    Why wont the media accept the fact trump lost – trump is a loser – trump is an insurrectionist and simply just move on???

    I guess recycling this garbage makes them a whole lotta money!!!!

    Why let money get in the way of the truth???

  4. When the constitution was written it was discussed and documented if it applied to the President and it does. As it is the Office of the President of the United States. He committed Treason and he WILL be going to Jail. Telling the mob to walk down the Capital Building when he KNEW without a doubt a lot of them were armed is Treason. In the speeches on that day having them told they have to FIGHT LIKE HELL was giving them directions if by him or not he was a speaker. To sit in the lounge room at the white house watching the attack on the Capital Building and doing NOTHING to stop is even when asked by officials there and even his daughter is TREASON. And then to admit on TV months later he could have made a phone call and stopped it. That is TREASON and admitting he was in control.

  5. I always thought of Donald Trump as a clown, but – last time around – as ‘our clown’. Now, just a clown… I am content with not having to choose between him and Joe Biden: I cannot imagine voting for Trump and – as John Howard said – have an extreme difficulty supporting Biden. Isn’t there anyone – ANYONE – else?

  6. Sky news is the Fox news of the UK and Australia. They appeal to the so called Tories. Aka British conservatives. The doner class conservatives. The Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell types. Btw, Trump 2024!!! And for Argintina, Javier milei!!!!

  7. You obviously have no idea what’s actually happening in the political landscape of the US. There will not be a Republican president elected in this country for the next 30 years or more. The Dobbs decision has electrified the left, and has only been spurred on by the horrific consequences being played out in states like Texas. Real women are dying because of Republican political positions. Instead of recognizing you have overstepped, you double down. Republicans have dramatically underperformed on every election since Dobbs, and it will only get worse.

  8. Trump has owned this election for some time. Trump is polling at 52 per cent, Ron DeSantis at 18 per cent, Nikki Haley at 16 per cent, Vivek Ramaswamy is at seven per cent and Chris Christie is at three per cent. More than 80 per cent of Trump supporters say their minds cannot be changed at this point.

    He is a certainty. Biden is so desperate he wants to, typically, go to war. There was a an unverified (doubtful) report of the sinking of a Chinese naval vessel today. Biden is now dangerous to world peace although China badly needs a lesson in manners.

  9. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,“Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” Trump


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