Donald Trump Announcement Today 12-15-2022

Donald Trump Announcement Today 12-15-2022. Donald Trump announced that he is going after any social media platform who is trying to censor throttle shadow ban or limit free speech.

0:00 Donald Trump Speech 2024
2:00 Investigations into Social Media Platforms.
3:00 Republicans Request to Preserve Evidence.
3:30 Universities involved With Election Interference.
4:00 Trump Attacks Child Predator’s.
5:00 Deep State Working with Big Tech.

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22 thoughts on “Donald Trump Announcement Today 12-15-2022”

  1. The sad part is people on the left do not see Trump is actually saving America while the Democrats are slowly destroying it. I normally never vote but i'll definitely be voting for Trump.

  2. What is interesting is how this statement has totally gone under and instead mainstream media only really focuses upon the NFT sale… even the thumbnail here uses the same image that others are using to lambast Trump. Personally I’d suggest a different thumbnail as it takes away from an actually cohesive political statement and, for a casual user, makes it look like one of the many NFT sale announcement thumbs.
    Personally it was bad timing for DT to sell NFTs as well as making this statement as it allows mainstream to obfuscate the truth by not ignoring the political statement of intent but instead allowing them to lean into the somewhat bizarre NFT sale and associated choices of images

  3. How is it FREE speech if they can throttle, yet we get a “timely appeal”, and all we get is a “timely explanation”? FREE SPEECH IS FREE SPEECH no matter what. With ZERO ability to be throttled.

  4. There is an irish expression or behaviour
    "Amadhain glic " ( very smart fool or acting fool )
    Is this trump finding the ultimate out clause
    Setting it up to plead insanity
    Announcing to run did not call off the legal hounds
    But this is laying the groundwork for a plea
    Maybe even the whole dysfunctional behaviour re docs at mar a lago is part of it
    "Who knew " as they say in NYC
    Elsewhere there are comments about dementia
    And neurosyphlis and its effects

  5. Democracy?
    I strongly dislike hearing our representative republic called a democracy. It ain't!
    Trump's fixes are good but unless civics is again given three years in high school?
    The generations "educated" since it's downgrading, will allow America's destruction without even realizing it.

    We've got alot to fix.

  6. Well said. I love how much he Loves America! 💕 How in the world did we become so upside down, as to vote in so many people who hate America so much?

    This was the (biggest open clue) that everyone's eyes should of opened up at that time was when Obama got in there. Before that they secretly did their evil stuff to where we couldn't SEE it. Senior Bush did serious evil stuff to us. That was the beginning of our downfall into the cesspool they pushed us into.

  7. I agree with his statement but I’m totally disgusted with the digital Trump cards! He should fire the individual responsible for that ridiculous idea. It may have just ended his political career. I thought he was sincere about saving our country until I saw that. Maybe it is time for DeSantis? I originally thought DeSantis could run after Trump in 2028 but maybe he needs to step up for 2024. Our freedom, our democracy, our values and our constitution are not a joke and should not be used as some type of gimmick! May God bless America 🇺🇸


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