Dominant DILF Cowboy Makes You Breakfast {M4A}[ASMR]

You’ve killed the Stikini, taking it in and retreating from the abandoned town to somewhere more safe and remote. Atop a grassy hill beneath a lone tree. You and Arthur Cross made camp for the night, the stinking Stikini corpse being strung up down the hill and downwind. When first light comes, the wind is calm and cool and a small flame is going in a crude firepit made of rubble taken from the town. Arthur turns to you as he cooks a hearty southern breakfast of beans, lard, bacon, and other odds and ends. This is the first you’d seen the man in the light of day. Medium, messy, blonde hair framed his tan, sunkissed face marked by light lines of scarring that trailed from his chain up through his eyebrow until it met the halfway point at the top of his head- parting the hair with it’s path. He was quiet as always, a side effect from working alone for so long, and due to the dangers of making noise out in perilous territory. After a few moments of awkward silence as he tends to the fire and meal, the two of you begin to converse over a drink. The conversation however, takes strange and dark turns as he tells you about the other hunters in his party as well as tiny fragments of his past and his own thoughts on you.

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24 thoughts on “Dominant DILF Cowboy Makes You Breakfast {M4A}[ASMR]”

  1. That's just AWESOME!!! I'm so happy that I could listen to the audio ealier on the Patreon, it's SOOOOOOO GOOOOOD! Arthur is one of my fav characters, I can't wait for more 😀 Thank you so much and have an awesome day! <3

  2. Aww I´m looking forward to it!! Also I love how much effort you always put into your descriptions, they are so lovely to read and it´s great how they give even more information about the scenes and the characters. ^u^ <3

  3. This was incredible!
    I was riding today and I couldn't stop thinking about RDR2, and here we are. A perfect audio to end the day, he reminds me of Arthur Morgan and Charles Smith, my favourites.
    Also, enticing description.

  4. I like what you do with words. Starting with the description, you turn seemingly banal conversations into something almost poetic, and to spice it up, there's this languid, but soothing way of speaking. I don't know if cowboys really talked like that, but that's how I would imagine it. So … it's fun, it's relaxing, I like it. 🙃

  5. My my.. Sadly couldn't be there to the premier. After these few years, covid finally catched up to me and I'm dying, can hardly breathe over here.
    Some nice breakfast would be nice…and quite the deep talk for breakfast huh, love that.

    Anyhoo, I hope you have a calm weekend, Kabu. Remember to take care of yourself. 💙💙

  6. I'm so behind on your channel, I'm so sorry 😭 I love your content so much, I'm just awful at life and I'm extra sorry for that.

    I never thought I'd hear the "Beans, the magical fruit" rhyme in an audio, please know you made me cackle because I'm five years old, ig 😂

    Ooh, the notion that they gotta go through the innards and identify the eaten is….yikes 😬 I don't envy Baits at all

    AhhhhHHHHH I love this character. He's so morally grey, but Doing His Best and it makes him so interesting.
    You're so good at this, Kabu, we are not worthy. 🙇🏻‍♀️

  7. I love your asmr's that have cooking and drinks. They are so relaxing, fun, and they always have a good story being told by the characters. They also make me hungry when the ingredients are explained and the process is explained in making the food.
    Arthur is just smooth and fine…and the story he told….wow! That was an eye opener. Had me hanging on his every word.
    Excellent work Kabuyama!
    And yes I am making that bean recipe.
    Have you ever though of doing a cooking asmr series?

  8. Me being conflicted with using hate to fuel my bolts and Arthur saying, "Don't take what I say as gospel…", my admiration just shoot up 😀 Can't wait to see what happens next, meet up with the rest of the group. Although not too excited to find out what's inside the stinky Stikini though xD

    I'm liking this series more and more! This hunting abomination and fighting with other hunters against stealing hard earned bounty, peppered this kind of conversations plus food, I'm really digging in. Everything flows so well! Thanks for the hard work! 🙂


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