Dogman Frightening Encounters Vol 1:
▶️  Dogman Frightening Encounters Vol 2 :
▶️ Dogman Frightening Encounters Vol 3 :
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  1. I had watched the vids of John Phoenix from Scotland 11 months ago, hes given answers about the dogman n bigfoot. He also has a Facebook account, he had wanted to share more information about them. I honestly feel n believe that he's being honest about being in contact thru Miss Misha who has direct contact with the true Alpha dogman in Scotland. The Alpha n others within his pack has lived on earth for a very long time. There are other Alpha's that live in other countries along with their packs. However, there are other dogmen that are rogue that aren't good at all, many have formed their own packs, they're the ones that have been terrifying ppl, attacking n killing some ppl. John explains better how the real n true dogmen are good n has always protected humans as some of the bigfoot. But there are also not good bigfoot. One of our Indigenous traditional spiritual medicine man has tld me that God gives all living things souls with free will, they choose to be good n bad. My encounter with one bigfoot in AZ on the Hualapai Reservation was a good one as well as with the bigfoot on our reservation in AZ have also been good. They're also spiritual beings. I was tld more about the bigfoot, for our Indigenous tribes, they're our relatives. I share wut our traditional spiritual healers have shared with me, who I have great trust in.
    Those who have questions about the dogmen n bigfoot should watch the interview videos of John Phoenix, recorded 11 months ago in Jeff's channel's playlist. They're very informative n eye opening, I only wish that there were more interviews, he definitely wanted to share more information n answer the subscribers questions.
    The video in the end, that's so horrifying, to think about all that the ppl have gone thru n possibly still going thru is gut wrenching n heartbreaking. I feel n give prayers for the precious souls whose bodies were/are being altered, experimented on by evil, corrupt ppl. I pray for their souls to be guided n protected by God.
    God bless them u all❤

  2. THIS is why the reprobate fallen watchers were judged without mercy. What we see here is beyond words. Beyond human comprehension – something only the darkest, most evil, depraved beings in existence could think of. The crimes that have been committed against mankind and nature (by these monster hybrid offspring) are truly un-forgivable. Oh Father God, YOUR will be done to every last one of them! Amen

  3. That is very possible Jeff I’ve thought about that when it comes to the building, pyramids, and all that damn good theory Jeff. Obviously there is some type of manipulation going on. There’s no way around that.

  4. Your making complete sense, your on the right path,don't be put off by the neysayers. Look into the Supersoldier programs. These soldiers were hypnotized to forget what had been done to them. Not just men but women were in these programs. A few years ago I was in contact with a women who claimed to have been a victim of a Supersoldier program. Jeff, remember this is all about weoponization for the foremost part. I will dig around for the women's name but have lost several phones over the last few years. I've even been hacked and had all my passwords changed. Stay on the right path and don't fall down the rabbit hole too far, come back out and lift your head high to gain some perspective before you jump back in. These holes are deep and can suck you in, without you even realising it. Stay safe.

  5. Good morning DogFam! I pray you all have a Blessed Day today, please 🙏 remember to Always be aware of your surroundings, No Matter where you are, or where you go.

    If we’ve learned anything from listening to Jeff’s Channel and Dark Waters Channel these creature’s are EVERYWHERE and becoming bolder!

    Please remember to keep your pets safe… if you have outdoor dogs please 🙏 please 🙏 please reconsider leaving them out AT NIGHT…

    Please 🙏 remember our dogs are our faithful companions and will give everything to protect us including their lives… Don’t they deserve the same from us?
    Honestly you are Safer with them inside if any of these creature’s decide to pay you’re home a visit… some may ask how, I’ll tell you how…

    Indoor dogs will alert you WAY BEFORE you hear or see anything near your home, sometimes you don’t even know someone or a creature is near your home.

    They hear, sense things WAY before we do! They quickly alert you by barking at noises outside “We Miss because of tv, or talking so we don’t sense anything.

    Dogs will get up start smelling, then walking near the sound they hear because of the amazing sense of smell and hearing they have. But! Before you just open the door, let them out, turn off your lights you look outside your window’s particularly where they gravitate to. Then grab a weapon and go out with them. This is SAFER for you and your dogs.

  6. The ending of this video Jeffrey was very sad… many of the genetically modified beings are the very Missing people who were forcibly taken and DID NOT ASK FOR THIS…

    All of these people involved in what takes place in these DUMBS will ALL have to stand before the Lord and will be cast into hell… Hell is ETERNAL everything they turned a BLIND EYES TO…

    They will now experience for ETERNITY In Hell themselves…. The only way they will escape Hell is by Repenting, asking Jesus into their hearts, turn from their evil ways and change. If they do not…

  7. The Latter Part of this video is All True, the Experiments on Humans, especially young children and the Killing of them for their Adrenochrome is Evil as it can get–President Trump is Aware of this and wants to Drain this Evil Swamp of Madness but the Powers that BE-the CABAL Gov. is Fighting him non-stop. If this Evil is not Stopped, it will Consume America and the World…

  8. hi jeff you make sense to me as my dad used to talk about this stuff when i was a youngster ,i used to think e was off hes rocker but now i dont, i remember seeing an old vhs vidio of chineez or japaneez i can never tell the difference stitching a dogs head to another dogs neck and those poor dogs was trying to free themselves from each other it was heart breaking to see i just cant understand some humans and didnt realise to what extent goes on in them labs its discusting, 1 day the governments are going to fuck this planet up to the point of no return, stay safe bud , kind regards mike in the uk.

  9. Am not being funny but at 24:21 a dog barks in the background and then 24:25 to 24:27 is that a car or is it a low gutteral growl?? Initially sounds like a car but it’s the way it stops/cuts off listened to it a few times and still can’t discern exactly. Hope am wrong but just thought should point it out!!

  10. They maybe can imitate putting together some of these creatures HOWEVER there are a few that see beings in the heavens and dog headed beings and cone headed beings (Sasquatch) are often seen. I have seen pics (in the heavens) of said beings so this to me would suggest they are created beings by The One True Living God praise Him! 🙏❤️✝️🔥 I believe they of a different realm and thus what we would call inter dimensional beings and very much part of the enemies of Love Light and Truth. These are the days and times or should I say the season we are living in. The Living Word of God calls it The End of Days…👹🐸🔥

  11. Since I was a teenager I went through this phase where I knew these were a negative influence on our population. I asked myself how do you control a world? You control the governments and to control the governments you first get control over their militaries. Without a shot fired from them I believe we sold our values and morales for some shallow technology. Back then I just knew in my heart that was the answer or at least my answer. As I got older I changed,went along for the ride because it was fun but now I have that old feeling again like that teenager was right all along.

  12. It is a special breed of individuals who can sell their fellow beings. In other types of aliens, they would be killed immediately for doing wrong. To think this is the highest level of military, intelligence, and government. It is gut-wrenching to think they sell their own people. To get favor from these monsters. When one sells their own brother, ones soul is worth nothing. These very people will be destroyed when they have fulfilled their so-called loyalty to the aliens. Disgusting.


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