Does PC Tuning Matter? – Escape From Tarkov

This video goes through the unboxing of the new PC, built by the folks over at Stince Built: and then a tuning of the PC by FoVeS –

If you’d like to see the PC build, you can find it in the above link.

I don’t expect everyone to have the budget laying around to afford a brand-new-tech PC build, but I obtained my first “new tech” PC in my life this past weekend and… I wasn’t impressed at first.

However, after going through a lot of tweaks provided by FoVeS for my machine, I was much, much happier.


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I hope you enjoy the vid!




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00:00-01:45 – Intro and info
01:45-06:25 – Unboxing and Glamo(u)r Shots
06:25-10:00 – Lighthouse BEFORE tuning
10:00-14:45 – Tuning the PC step by step
17:25-18:50 – Thanks for watching. you the best


37 thoughts on “Does PC Tuning Matter? – Escape From Tarkov”

  1. You're kind of muddling your sponsorship disclosures. You disclose that you're sponsored by Stince but then undercut that disclosure by saying that you don't get any money for sales made using your code. What's left unsaid is that you were either paid for this video, for other advertising for Stince, or they provided you with the PC for free or at a discount.

    You also don't disclose if you received any compensation (either monetary or in-kind services) from Foves. On the one hand, PCs that come from Stince should already have the tuning done as you say in the video. But if that's the case, the tuning should already have been complete when you received the PC and there would be no point to you recording parts of the tuning process for this video. So it seems the tuning wasn't done by Stince either because they wanted you to show it as part of their sponsorship deal, or because it was part of a sponsorship deal with Foves.

    Also, one of the registry files he ran indicated its purpose was to disable the Spectre and Meltdown vulnerability patches. Do you have a good enough understanding of what those vulnerabilities entail that you're comfortable recommending that all your subscribers disable the patches for them?

    ETA: There's nothing wrong with sponsorships! It's an important part of what allows content creators like you do this as a full-time job. I just think it's in everyone's best interests to fully disclose those sponsorships so there's no confusion about what's going on.

  2. So was that an overall 30% boost?
    My Intel i7 is an older gen with a 1660 Super. I get about 48fps in general so wonder if trying some of these tweaks will give me a boost.

  3. a lot of this didn't make sense honestly, the jump in framerate makes no sense based on what was done in the tuning, i do a lot of that kind of stuff and admittedly there was one or two things in there i have never used such as the ISLC, and i also dont disable threading in bios i just tick that shit in game (which probably doesn't work as intended, being tarkov), but it just dont make sense honestly… there has to be something he is doing in bios that is completely left field so to say because an overclock of any kind wouldn't almost double the framerate, your performance before the tuning also seemed off the mark, im using a 5900x/3080ti/32gb ram pc and play on a 4k oled display and get higher fps on lighthouse with really not much of anything changed.

    i think we need to see the secret bios sauce and just have a disclaimer that if anybody touches their own shit its their responsibility, im not seeing what could have made the difference from this video and it is a pretty big difference evidently.

  4. I have a few questions regarding the "tuning". From my understanding, Tarkov is bound by the cpu and ram. You can have an overclocked beast of an cpu, but will still get pounced by the latest and greatest cpu iteration. Why? I have no clue.

    Now to my questions. Did you have xmp for you Ram enabled before making the initial "benchmark"? Also, since i dont now anything about current intel stuff, is the I9 on factory overclocking settings by default? How much, besides tuning the ram timings, was done actually tweaking the bios and not overclocking the cpu? Lastly, are those tweaks intel specific or could a ryzen user benifit from it? Since ryzen is veeeery diffrent when it comes to overclocking afik.

    I know that you probably wont get into too much detail about it, since well the video would have covered it already ^^, but im still wondering, since the perfromance imcrease seems way too high, from what i know you can do in the bios.

    Regardless though, that pc looks lovely and enjoy playing a completly diffrent game from now on 😀

  5. Yes simply yes! Optimization is key
    I7 6700hq + gtx1070m 16gb 2333hz
    Unoptimized windows & Tarkov
    30-45 fps

    Optimized Windows 7 , tarkov and Control Panel , UV and OV CPU and Gpu = ~60/90 fps

  6. After seeing this, all I understand is that streamers make a boatload of money (and thus have incredibly high-performing PC's) and that the average working joe like myself is a shmuck with a 2070-Super xD

    I know Onepeg this vid is in part to flex on us mere mortals, don't even try and deny that xD Still, I congratulate you on your success with the channel thus far. Congrats on the new system!

  7. I get about 35-40 FPS with a I7 750 graphics card, 16gb ram and it drops to 20ish FPS when scoping. Anyway I could actually improve my FPS? I was running everything on low with no Anti Aliasing, but when I put it on TAA there was no FPS difference. Anyway I could increase my FPS?

  8. I feel skipping the BIOS stuff etc wasn't needed. Should of showed all of that with a disclaimer for smooth brained people who don't know what they are doing. GPU driver changes from my experience has rarely ever improved performance in a game for me. Registry stuff also. Nvidia settings also barely do anything. Standby list cleaner also has pretty much no effect in all honesty from my experience. The important stuff was missed out which would make a difference, overclocks and ram timings and bios tweaks etc. As the jump is way too big with just the stuff you showed to make any sense.


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