Does New World Need PvP Scaling?

Streaming New World Official Launch on –
Let’s talk about the PvP Scaling in MMOS and how as a system it has left the MMO community divided for decades. In this video we will be taking New World as our example. We will be looking at two hypothetical examples. Where with PvP Scaling ON the scaling is at 100% across all levels and the second is where PvP Scaling is OFF completely.

Social Media

Intro 0:24
PvP Scaling On 0:25
PvP Scaling Off 2:53
Why PvP Scale 4:12
PvP Scaling Poll 6:54

Some backgrounds and player characters provided by Amazon Game Studios as part of the Creator Kit Program –

Music Attribution
New World – Combat Compilation
New World – Opening


6 thoughts on “Does New World Need PvP Scaling?”

  1. No.

    There is no scaling in any pvp game that have ever existed, and in any competitive environment it make no sense to do so.

    someone in League of Legend can snowball, get higher level and gears. when the jungler gank botlane lv 6 and they are 4, he doesn't lose his item advantage nor his ultimate in the process.

    no one ever in any competitive game get reduce damage when you are top leaderboard. game like call of duty even reward you with streak, csgo/valorant give you money,overwatch give you ultimate charge.

    people in basketball don't get their leg crippled ,cut or whatever to balance out the height difference.

    in car sport, sure there is limitation on car, but it's not like there is only 1 car distributed to every player and the best pilot have to drive with 1 less arm.

    idk where that leveling from the ground mentality come in pvp, but it has to stop.

  2. Agreed, What some of the really smart people that like this scaling change seem to fail to understand is the fact that the end game of this MMO is Territory Control.

    In order to Push a Territory into War you have to do the PvP Faction Quests in that area, and if you are the Company that owns that Territory you want to be killing the enemy faction members doing said PvP quests so they can't fill the influence bar and push your Territory to war.

    That being said having High Levels destroy Lower Levels makes this a awful experience for new players or players who don't have as much time to play.

    Higher level players will be in ALL ZONES for the Territory Control aspects if for no other reason… ( I. E. they could also be farming crafting resources or whatever as well )

    This is going to have a terrible effect on the game if it isn't reverted or tweeked.

    Closed Beta was much better in this regard.

  3. Great vid mate, we definitely need PvP scaling in New World and I’m all for it. I never felt disadvantaged against anyone in OBT because of it and never felt bad fighting people lower than me because I new they had some scaling to help them make it was a fairer fight. It shouldn’t just be a game of who has the most no life, or money in some case, I hate this mentally in MMOs. Skill is what matters not time, and as you say skill should also improve with time. If you’re shit, you’re shit, get over it 😂. I’ll be pushing hard to level fast and gear up but if I come up against someone lower than me and they beat me then I just got outplayed and will probably congrats them.

  4. Don’t know why people are so excited for New World’s PVP when it’s a zero-sum game. You don’t get anything out of killing a player nor do you lose anything when you die. Territory control only results in faster XP gain.. so who cares?? Just keep your PVP flag off permanently and watch how PVP in this game dies.

    Since that’s the case, your time would simply be better spent only doing PVE or playing another game that rewards PVP or does not require grinding in a MMO.

    Hard pass for me.


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