Does He Know What He's Cooking? | BumbleKast for October 5th, 2022 – Q&A Podcast with Ian Flynn

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49 thoughts on “Does He Know What He's Cooking? | BumbleKast for October 5th, 2022 – Q&A Podcast with Ian Flynn”

  1. October 5th, 2022 Question Timestamps:

    Happy Birthday BumbleKast!


    1:00 – I recently got the opportunity to explain the entire story of Sonic Adventure and Shadow the Hedgehog to a friend of mine, including Shadow's full character arc. Though he enjoyed it, I did embellish some character moments and details to make the story seem more grandiose than it was. I even included some theories around Chaos and speculated what the relationship between Shadow and Maria was like on the Ark. That's not to say the story isn't as epic as I described it but I do feel the dated graphics and presentation of these games hold this story back and we end up remembering the narrative as stronger than it was presented. Do you share similar notions of these games or is there another franchise where you remember the story as stronger than it was or more than the sum of its parts?

    5:12 – What do you think of giving Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Shadow, Rouge and Omega a timeskip in the IDW comics? What do you think could be in the future?

    7:51 – Issue #50 gave us Belle confronting Eggman, but she never got to really say anything meaningful to Starline or contribute to his defeat, just passively watched him die. While this was likely to establish that Eggman on his own could beat him both physically and spiritually, it seemed like Starine had been doing more than Eggman to torment Belle in the previous arcs, from being the one to turn Mr. Tinker back to Eggman, to kidnapping her in Zeti Hunt, to ordering the fire in Trial by Fire (even if Belle didn't know he was the one responsible), to causing the Badnik summoning that took control of her and Motobud, and now you can't really do anything more with the two in the future unless Starline's death gets retconned. So if you could've put in a way for Belle to get back at Starline as a little more catharsis before his demise in a way that fits her character, how would you have done it?

    11:36 – Wait, there’s a Sonic character [referencing] Gadget Hackwrench from Rescue Rangers in the comics? When and where?

    12:56 – So, I gotta ask y'all, any interesting takes on Deltarune's Spamton Sweepstakes? In case you haven't heard, for Undertale's anniversary, Toby Fox and Fangamer held a sweepstakes themed around Spamton.
    For those curious, there was also some character details revealed, mainly through Noelle's blog and some questions that Spamton himself answered (he saw how popular the BumbleKast was and decided to copy it, I guess).

    14:41 – Ian, I must know this… Would you ever bring back the Werehog? If so, how would you approach it?

    16:51 – Throughout the various desert stages in Sonic Adventure 2, there's echidna and emerald iconography— with statues in Hidden Base, inscriptions in Dry Lagoon, etc. Would it be likely that this may have been one of the areas subjugated by the Knuckles Clan in the past, or maybe another echidna clan's home turf entirely? SA2 doesn't go at all into echidna lore like SA1 did, but I've always found it fascinating.

    19:24 – Will we ever get a retelling of the reason as to why Wisps are still around on Sonic's world? I know the reason has been stated before, but to my knowledge, that was in the now-dead Sonic mobile game Sonic Runners. Does SEGA simply assume that people remember the plot of the mobile game they only cared to support for a single calendar year before putting it down like Old Yeller?

    21:24 – Guys. Guys! Star Wars Visions gave us a bunny jedi! Ian! When does Vanilla reveal she is a Jedi in hiding, and Cream is her padawan? Make. It. Happen! Also, please and thank you.

    24:52 – Although we've seen countless attempts before (such as trying to nuke Station Square), would you say Eggman has killed before? Even offscreen?

    27:47 – I know you don't like Dark Super Sonic from the very short period of him, but I think the reason why he became famous for the short time we saw him is because 1: it is a change of pace for Sonic x and 2: it's the first time we seen a negative aspect of the chaos energy on Sonic

    29:38 – In Sonic 2, Eggman was able to outrun or at least keep the same distance from Sonic in the Death Egg Zone, and Eggman is pretty fast in the Sonic Adventure 2 Chao Garden section. Is Eggman secretly a Speedster and is he as fast or faster than Sonic? If so, why does he never brag about this to Sonic?

    31:04 – Since the Sonic Channel stories from 2021 are canon, where would you put them chronologically in the series? If they are meant to take place after Sonic Forces then where would you fit them in the Sonic IDW timeline?

    32:45 – Do you think there's any mileage you and the IDW crew could get out of Metal Sonic Mach 3.0 (Eggman Nega's version of Metal Sonic)? I know there isn't much to go off of since he only appeared in one game (Rivals 2) but since he has shown up again in Sonic Speed Battle Simulator and seems to have slightly different personality quirks than regular Metal, I was curious.

    35:16 – In Imposter Syndrome #3, it was shown that apparently before he "created" Surge & Kit, Dr. Starline was apparently working on his own robot. Was this originally meant to be his own version of Metal Sonic? How far did he get into completing it before he shifted his focus? Is it still around or did he scrap it completely?

    36:20 – The green speedsters are ready to race! Speedy, Swifty, Jet, Surge, and Scourge are all lined up. How will they fare against one another? And how about Yoshi, who has humbly decided to join them? Green Light Go!

    38:31 – Sonic's favourite food is chill dogs. Tails: mints; Knuckles: grapes; Shadow: pizza, Doritos, Snickers, Hot Pockets…What about Eggman and Amy? Eggman in particular interests me – do you think he's a gourmet fine diner or a serial fast food binger?

    41:31 – "Retcons". How do you guys view this divisive writing decision in media in general, and do you have any favorites that help expand the stories in ways that make them more interesting? The opposite also applies to stories that were ruined because of it as well. Challenge: No Star Wars, too easy. Next time, we'll discuss the famous trope that is named after a popular yellow Christian character. Until then, Bye-Diddily-Bo Bumblirinos.


    48:43 – Thanks to those who support the show

    51:11 – Ian is invincible

    53:07 – Was his eyes full of curiosity?

  2. Question: Ian, Kyle what are your thoughts on pacman more so as a character rather than a franchise as I've often thought of him as an old man more of a mickey as opposed to Mario being a Popeye and sonic more of a Felix

  3. Its so fun to see others theorizing about the extent of the knuckles clan and the possibility of other echidna clans. Weve seen references to an egyptian inspired echidna clan in Sonic R, The ancient tomb stage in free riders being mayan inspired as well (mostly likely taking place in or near the mystic jungle and mystic ruins) and sky sanctuary near angel island being so remarkably different in terms of technology yet undeniably connected to angel island. its fascinating

  4. Question: I actually know very little about the Archie run, but I know that Scourge is a popular character. Can you give me a totally legit and not jokey or satirical in any way shape or form rundown of who he is? Cause there’s no wayyyy we can have jokes or fun, not on the BumbleKast!

  5. hey Ian, how would you fix the Megaman games if you could. there are like 6 different Megamans of different ages. fans divided on which one deserves a sequel and Capcom often mishandling advertising.

    also any chance of a Megaman X Sonic Crossover game 🙂 or any crossover game?

  6. Assuming mobians have the same semi-flexible sleep cycle as humans, and assuming Belle doesn't sleep, is there any potential angst that could be derived from Belle being conscious 24/7 and everyone else not?

  7. Hey now, Eggman never killed anyone.
    His creations did. Which is why the plot of Forces blames everything on Infinite and not on Eggman.
    Official work works under "guns kill people".

  8. 41:31 Retcons are an interesting thing. Flynn gave his definition, but it's so broad, it's kinda useless. For me, Retcon is when Writers take existing Data that was considered a fact by the audience AND him, and then change it.
    In a perfect world, a perfect story would not have Retcons. The very first issue of Dragon Ball would be written with idea that Goku is an alien. The audience might not know it, but Akira Toriyama would know and everything would flow naturally.
    But obviously, we don't live in a perfect world, books get passed between writers and if one writer stays then after 10 years he might feel a logical need to change things. Generally, the fewer retcons the better, but there are situations where applying them outweighs the drawbacks. Again, changing Goku into an alien was a good move.
    Also, it's better if New Data adds to Old Data, not overwrites it. We never knew about Black Arms, but it doesn't change the fact Shadow was made by Gerald. But anything requiring stuff like "hypnosis, just a dream, it was someone pretending to be Magneto" it's probably not worth it. it's confusing and says 'remember that old story we told you to care about before? Well, stop caring now".
    5:12 – If Sega ever does "Sonic time skip" I DON'T want to see the "Next Generation" thing, focused on passing the torch to the kids. I'm kinda burned out on that trope, especially when kids have no unique traits, just clones or a mix of parents.
    24:52 You know, when the debate "Should IDW Sonic kill Eggman" started I did look for Eggman body count number and I'm genuinely surprised that Diamond Cutters were the only named victims I could find. If Eggman was on trial we would be thiiiis close to release on a technicality.

  9. Ooh maybe this hypothetical Egyptian echidna tribe sought out black magic to summon ghosts to deal with their enemies only for King Boom Boo to turn on them and wipe them out? (explaining the prevalence of ghost enemies in these areas)

  10. Will you ever be able to use Sticks the badger since sonic team recognizes her in their sonic channel archives and 2021 comics and how would you use her? I bet she'd have a conpiracist blog.

  11. The "government spy rouge the bat" thing is a case of crappy translation. Such many cases in this series.
    Amy's favorite food has been consistently stated to be soft-serve ice cream. She has also been stated to like sweet things, but that's much rarer actually. It's been the case before Cream was even a thing actually.

  12. I'd like to bring up my own theories that what was brought up at 16:51 about the desert stages in Sonic Adventure 2. Because I think it may be a bit more complex than that.

    The two civilizations do share some similarities, such as the Echidna and (for some reason) snake imagery. But this is where the differences start to become more apparent, aside from the theming of course.

    In SA1there is a echidna statue that appears neat the jungle ruins of Mystic Ruins, and if you compare that to the ones in SA2 you'll notice that they have very human looking bodies. This could either be interpreted as just an odd style choice on the echidna's part, or it could been one made by ancient humans.
    What further leads me to this idea is that in Dry Lagoon and Wild Canyon you can see plenty of human statues around that corroborates this idea along with the very human looking Egg Golem within the pyramid itself.

    Sandopolis Zone also has some human iconography, along with the Guardian who is a similar looking boss that blocks your way to the second act, so there may still be a connection.

    This doesn't mean that echidna's weren't involved of course, there may be a chance that they lives alongside humans, or even that one group conquered the other.

    Interestingly Dry Lagoon and Wild Canyon, where the human statues are located, are implied to be a good distance away from the pyramid, where all the echidna headed statues are. Implying that the echidna's may have been seen as more important in some way.

  13. Question:
    can game super sonic use the super genesis wave just like archie sonic did in world colide
    And also one more thing since
    In sonic 3
    There are super emerald could game sonic also have access
    To ultra form
    Oh and don't worry about the ring game sonic already has over billions

  14. That reminds me! Sonic Runners Revival had a super special event a couple of weeks ago starring Tangle & Whisper as unlockable characters! I managed to get them both, and it is rockin’ to see them in that little mobile game.

  15. The Sonic Channel story with the Wisps actually gives the Runners/IDW explanation again, that they felt like staying so they did. And it even incorporates the Jade Wisp Sonic met in Rise of the Wisps.

  16. @lanFlynnBKC and @KyleJCrb
    Hey lan heres crossover question with Sonic and Metal Gear Rising Revengence. How would an exchange between Sonic and Senator Armstrong play out. I find this interesting because I feel both characters can be a good foil to one another as both claim that people should have the freedom to follow their own path but they have completely different takes on it with Armstrongs take being far more extreme and radical inwhich he wants to make a system where might makes right and believing it will fall to each civilian to find their own values instead of having values hardwired into them by governments and systems, and that people should have the right to fight their own wars and kill in the name of their own set of values?

  17. Man, if they brought back Metal Sonic 3.0 I think I would rather just have Shard back to be honest, just with a rewritten backstory and little of the Archie baggage.
    In fact, I believe more people are familiar with Shard than they are with MS 3.0, but I could be wrong.
    He would bounce off well with characters like Omega and Gemerl personality-wise, y'know?

  18. Question: So Dodon Pa is an alien. He's based on a real animal, the tanuki, but also partly on bakedanuki, tanuki mythologised as trickster spirits. Do you think it's possible that that is the "hat" of his planet; slightly mythologised versions of real animals? Or am I reaching too hard to find a reason for him being arbitrarily an alien when the ultimate truth is that he's, well, arbitrarily an alien.

  19. Considering SA2 is, well, a direct sequel to SA1, I thought the implication was that a part of the Knuckles tribe either survived Perfect Chaos or moved away from the Mystic Ruins before that event, and settled in the area of SA2 where they became a desert tribe. The shrines for the Mystic Melody are obviously based off the temple of the Knuckles tribe, with the implication that they were built by them. The echidna statues are humanoid but that's obviously for comedic effect.
    No reason is implied for why that echidna tribe died out, but I think this was to imply that, since the Knuckles tribe that remained in the Mystic Ruins was maimed by Chaos and reduced to some survivors (from whom Knuckles descends), there must exist some echidnas descending from that desert echidna tribe as well and so Knuckles is not really the last echidna left.

  20. I don't think people liked Dark Sonic because it was a change of pace for Sonic X or because it used a negative aspect of the Chaos Emeralds. It got popular because it just looked badass. People who've never seen Sonic X have seen Dark Sonic just on YouTube AMVs and stuff like that. He just looks cool and alot of people were making it cooler than it really was.


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