Doctor Oz GIGA-CRINGE, Puts Blood Pressure Cuff on Random Guy

— Pennsylvania Republican Senate candidate Mehmet Oz puts a blood pressure cuff on a rally attendee in a cringeworthy campaign moment

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Broadcast on August 31, 2022

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37 thoughts on “Doctor Oz GIGA-CRINGE, Puts Blood Pressure Cuff on Random Guy”

  1. We always instruct patients to uncross their legs and not talk during their blood pressure check. This advice is based on evidence based findings of 15-20 years ago. Obviously Dr. Oz does not know this.
    KMP RN

  2. "Is there a limit to it?" — is there a limit to what this quack will do?!! Probably what the unfortunate guy who's getting his BP measured WITHOUT his consent was actually trying to say! He looks SO uncomfortable. Giga-cringe for sure!!!

  3. I mean you can't be a worse candidate I don't understand how the rights whole thing of hey let's put a bunch of people in power who don't know how to do their job we've never worked in politics or understand politics at all

  4. I can't say I've ever seen someone walking into a street with a needle sticking out of their neck before. I guess Oz has really seen some stuff. It might have just been tv but he has seen some stuff.

  5. Dr. Oz supports Trump and Trump supports Dr. Oz Trump talks A fears and condemnation and how he’s a victim but he never takes accountability for his own actions and Dr. Oz is running on the platform that Fettermans ideas is making PA in the country less safe but yet he’s backing a man or he’s being backed by a man Trump is who I’m referring to that is now being investigated for stealing nuclear classified documents and he’s not even questioning Trump and his integrity but his running mate he’s belittling because he had a stroke and this is a sick so-called doctor that is belittling a man because he’s taking care of himself and he doesn’t want to be in a debate with a selfish power hungry greedy human being because those type of human beings make everyone sick that’s what’s wrong with our country .. how can someone claiming to be for the safety of the state but is taking money from a man that tried to overthrow our government he tried to have people hang his vice president he tried to have people beat and kill democratic senators and congressmen and he’s talking about safety for this country ?? What kind of full of hypocrisy is this what kind of lies and deception is this ??

  6. The USA needs to start respecting public service and stop voting for people whose only "qualification" for a job in the Senate is that they have some form of celebrity – they've had a TV programme, or that they've done something in team sports. With due respect to soldiers, sailors and airpeople, and there are exceptions, Americans also need to stop electing people who've been in the armed services just because they've been in the armed services: most have just been trained to obey orders and become just lobby fodder. Those who have been in public service may be a bit dull, but they usually have what's needed to achieve things in government.

  7. I walk in downtown Philadelphia. I don't see people with 'needles sticking out of their necks' Oz is a compulsive, pernicious liar. If these people are fooled by this carnival barker and charlatan who doesn't even know under what conditions to get a proper blood pressure reading, our Commonwealth is in big trouble. He needs to return to Jersey, or preferably Turkey.

  8. He will use the force of the government to prohibit women from getting the reproductive health care they want and need (i.e. even though they did consent), but then he will forcibly do tests on random people who ask him questions at a political rally (i.e. they did not consent).

  9. There is not ONE of these "blocks" he's referring to in Pittsburgh. I'd personally like him to show me where there is ANYWHERE in Pittsburgh like there is in Philly. Also what kind of "Doctor" thinks addicts shoot up in their neck?

  10. Obviously, that is not the correct way to take ANYONE's blood pressure. Person has to be sitting down, in a relaxed position, with the arm extended at the height of the heart. The only thing Oz did correctly, is putting the strap in the left arm.

  11. I've given up on the mental sanity of the American population. You're doomed. Sane people would have said: get your hands off me, I didn't give you permission. Unless of course these Americans mistakenly believe they're constantly living in a reality tv show.


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