Doctor Explains “The Last Of Us” IRL!


36 thoughts on “Doctor Explains “The Last Of Us” IRL!”

  1. Dude,i mean dude.
    I hade a huge "normal" infection of my leg,it was sepsis. They put me on a shitload (only Medical correct Usage of the term) Of anti Biotics.
    It's almost gone.
    However it was a Substantial infection And the wound is still closing.
    In the meantime every surface area that I had ,that wasn't skin But mucus Membrane Started to disintegrate ,just peel off
    I kid you not.
    When it hit my eyes I went back to my gp and he gave me so much ,so so much anti fungal Medication That at 1st I thought it was overkill.( More something for gardening A herbecide maybe)
    However with you clarifying this it makes a lot more sense.
    This medication is not free and he told me to continue For 3 weeks even after all symptoms had cleared.
    At 1st I thought "yeah sure you aint Paying"
    When we are talking about clickers and the last of us. neh….ok
    OK I do some dump diving and find the cash.
    It also does explain why he was adamant about treating this within our gp collective,and not a hospital there so many Immune depressed people in there.
    Thanks for the info.❤

  2. Candida Auris is just nature's way of thinning the herd. If people can't handle a simple fungus, maybe they shouldn't be reproducing in the first place. Survival of the fittest, am I right?

  3. If this becomes a huge thing I will actually lose it. Genuinely horrifying. Maybe this will be the next pandemic in a hundred years (if the trend continues).

  4. finally America gets a something good lol they think they’re so good Not the people the government they even think they’re so scary with they’re army and nuclear weapons that ruined the worlds and they’re invasions hahahah they’re worst Florence foster Jenkins singing

  5. I'm glad to see your four-legged one in the background there yes I'm a dog person. I don't want this stuff going around we need to get someone on it to figure out what can be done there's always a way. If it can be created it can be destroyed.

  6. With the deal with superbug fungal infections, I'm reminded of the Tumblr post about a person holding a mushroom at gunpoint, and the mushroom saying: "You cannot kill me in a way that matters.".

  7. I’m sure the amount of thrush infections I get I’ll probs be immune to it.

    But in all seriousness, please I need someone to help me deal with my thrush infections I’ve had them for over a decade now…


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