Do you want to be led by the lotus eaters or do you want a hard-headed, economically pragmatic view?

Do you want to be led by the lotus eaters or do you want a hard-headed, economically pragmatic view?


40 thoughts on “Do you want to be led by the lotus eaters or do you want a hard-headed, economically pragmatic view?”

  1. Shine you are the man you have a lot of people standing behind you my friend. Don’t let the media knock you around. It’s time the media taken on as well in this country for one and thousands of others are sick of it.

  2. He's right. A double standard in regards to the greens and who ever else don't want mining in nz yet then why is a tribe mining iron sand on or off the west coast of nz, putting it on ships and selling it. Where's the protesters for that?! Also agree that if we don't keep oil and gas drilling for power and industries then we will end up like south africa and ithe countries. Intermittent power, high inflation, a dollar worth jack, no industries and heavens knows what else.

  3. Thank God, New Zealand First is back in Parliament, calling out the bs Greens, TPM, and Labour, and bringing the facts πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ Winston and Shane also bring the cheeky humour and we're loving it πŸ’―πŸ˜†

  4. Megan Woods took 3 Billion dollars in 2021 for Housing Infistructure!!! Where did it go??? that Megan muffin needs to be held accountable for ruining New Zealand… too many pies for that one.

  5. The EU and their economic bullying over climate hysteria will be finished by 2050 simply by their demographic decline, good riddance to that self flagellation, and self-hatred

  6. Pragmatic is not quite the right word – Shane looked uneducated and lost his morning on Breakfast.

    Chloe schooled him on solar and on what kind of coal we extract and he only retaliated with personal attacks and ridicule.

    How can anyone take Shane seriously after that?

  7. Wot the hail do you mean by lotus eaters… You do know that eating Lotus's has a narcotic effect……..don't you??????. Shane, will be asking you this directly at your electoral office this week….

  8. Climate crises is a lie…. Climate change is happening , but its not due to mans emmisisions. We are in the throws of a polar shift, earths mag field is weakening making us more vulnerable to space weather…. I could go on … But do your own extensive research on the mater if you seek the truth…

  9. We can have both but the loony left are missing the energy reality we have as a country. Mixed energy and energy independence is PRIORITY ONE ! ….. or we crumble into poverty and endless inflation

  10. Leave words like sisterhood out of it, otherwise I'm gone. Infact you've enough intelligence to find alternative descriptions in other areas as well. Consider that they may become old to the ear after a while. Even to people like me who already buys your goods.

  11. national is no different than labor they are but two sides of the same coin but you keep pushing the agendas for them As for leadership there is not one parliamentarian leading its been established they are following


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