Do You Remember The WORST Update In Cold War Zombies

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25 thoughts on “Do You Remember The WORST Update In Cold War Zombies”

  1. It was never difficult to high round you sound like one of thous guys that couldn't go past round 20 on bo3 because he didn't buy jug and complained about it if you ask me its a skill issue

  2. In black ops 1, 2, and 3, one round 100 it was 5 million hp, compared to 120,000 (maybe damage values are different in cold war, but god it was so much satisfying to get round 100 on the older games because it was getter harder in every way not just one.)

  3. Meanwhile in an alternative universe where the health cap was still 120,000

    New player: lets go round 100 thanks man

    Pro player: were not over just yet we have to deal with the most hardest challenge

    New player: and that is?

    Pro player: look Infront of us

    New player sees whats infront of them

    New player: a basic zombie your joking right

    Pro player: if you think you can beat him ill let you have my account

    New player: deal

    Pro player watches from a extremely far distance

    New player: pfft this is going to be easy

    Bob the basic zombie
    New player: wait why do i hear boss music?


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