Do You Have To Be Vegan To Enter Heaven? and More | 3ABN Bible Q & A

Do you have to be vegan to enter Heaven? Find out the answer to this question—and many more—on 3ABN Today Bible Q & A with JD Quinn, Shelley Quinn, James Rafferty, and Daniel Perrin.

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1. Who do you confess your sins to, the father or Son?

2. Why don’t we hear more about what to do when the Sunday Law comes? Why don’t we hear about it in our churches and 3abn so we can be sure or secure? No one talks about what is coming or what to do in detail. Can you explain why or how to find it?

3. Can you please explain 2 Corinthians 5:10-15?

4. Can you please explain Daniel 12:11-12?

5. Why did God force man to eat meat after the flood? He could have created more vegetation to replace that which He destroyed with the flood, just like He did when He created the world in the beginning.

6. Does Revelation 20:10 say that “the devil, false prophet, and the beast are tormented in the lake of fire and brimstone day and night forever and ever”? Is this a different place than Revelation 20:11-14?

7. Where in the Bible does it say that polygamy is wrong?

8. My Husband just passed away and I would really like to know if we will be a married couple when we come back to the new Earth. Will we still be married in the New Earth?

9. Why didn’t God destroy Satan and his angels with the flood when God decided to destroy the earth with the flood and start over with Noah and his family? Satan and his angels were involved and also to be blamed for the sinfulness of the then world that God had to destroy but spared Satan and his angels. I don’t understand, why?

10. Is the Health Message from Ellen G. White a salvation message? Do you have to be vegan to enter Heaven?

11. There’s a verse I have been struggling with for a long time. We are taught that God made us out of 2 parts. Spirit, the breath of life, and dust from the ground, our body. Then we become a living soul. All from Genesis 2:7. But in 1 Thessalonians 5:23, Paul makes it very difficult for me to understand. He says: “and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved” It looks here like he is talking about 3 different parts! Spirit, soul, and body. Please help me understand this! What does Paul mean in 1 Thessalonians 5:23?

12. Were Adam and Eve both created on the sixth day?











19 thoughts on “Do You Have To Be Vegan To Enter Heaven? and More | 3ABN Bible Q & A”

  1. The Patriarchs of God's church, the Israelites, were polygamists and not because of the hardness of their hearts. God said David was a man after His Own Heart. And God blessed them all.

  2. Shelly's explanation of God's creation of man leaves out the fact that God's actions are not literally with His Hands any more than the horses of Revelation and the dragon are literally horses and the dragon. God spoke and it was so. Shelly trends to be dramatic lowering God to a level of "man's understanding." What kind of Hands does God have that He assembled DNA out of elements that are not DNA????🤔😁 And how fast would those Mighty Hands be moving and still be precise and gentle enough not to destroy the very things He was creating????🤔🤔🤔🤔 Maybe rethink that!!!! Symbolically speaking don't ya think.?

  3. God has instructed us to eat right,it was for that reason He had to shorten the life span of the Israel, He had only allow man to eat flesh because there were no vegetation on the earth?is there fish, berf,chicken, lobster,in heaven?

  4. The answer on being a vegan was no answer at all. Why not just address what White wrote about eating animals and salvation, and then do your best to explain it? No one needs a watered down version of the truth.


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