Do Rangers need to sign a goalkeeper in January?

Derek Clark is joined by Adam Thornton to discuss the latest Rangers news.

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49 thoughts on “Do Rangers need to sign a goalkeeper in January?”

  1. I like Beales style of play. We can see already our movement is better and we are more direct. Gone are the endless crosses into no one. The trouble is we are still saddled with a bunch of players who just are not good enough. I start with Tav. When was the last time he put in a performance worthy of a Rangers player never mind a Captain? Our midfield is poor. Lundsrtrum, who started poorly and had a brief period of brilliance is back to his previous poor self. Gauranteed booking every week. MacGregor and Jack are shadows of their former selves. That's just a few. I could go on with Morelos etc but I would be here all day.

  2. Need a new GK (AMc and JMc both need to go)
    New RW (have never replaced candieas)
    New CB (helander, souttar and Davies all injury prone)
    All need to be good enough to start and IMPROVE the team.

  3. I donโ€™t understand why we โ€˜should prioritiseโ€™ other positions over a goalkeeper. A keeper is arguably the most important position. If we had someone else in goal on Tuesday then we might not have conceded either goal.

    A right winger was always high on the priority list, but now we donโ€™t even play with one any longer. Once the injured players return, we have an abundance of attacking midfielders. Also with the left back position, whatโ€™s the point in signing a 3rh/4th choice to come in and play a few games until Yilmaz and Barisic return?

    Iโ€™d say the biggest priorities are a goalkeeper, centre back, central midfielder and a striker. Apart from that, I think we should wait it out until the Summer, clear out the squad and then see who we need to sign from there.

  4. Why is mccrorie not in squad as backup to greggsy. It seems McLaughlin had his chance. Well done Scott Arfield winning game were on brink โ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฒ

  5. Ni, they donโ€™t.we have McGregor, MCLaughlin, and McCrorie until the end of the season. 3 keepers more than good enough for the SPFL. McCrorie is getting Scotland call-sups and could be their number 1 after David Marshall and Graig Gordon retire – He deserves his shot between the sticks. Iโ€™m all for signing a new keeper on a pre-contract with a view to him replacing McGregor and MCLaughlin next summer.

  6. How are yous doing guys at rangers review barisic what's that about 2 games he only played but it might be a blessing in disguise the celtic games in 10 days and his bottle always crashes he's. Maybe better out for that

  7. The difference between Beale and gio is Beale has bodies in the box and outside the box.

    If you stand outside a barbers for a while your eventually going to get a haircut

  8. I'd like to see mccrorie get a chance but either way I don't think McLaughlin or McGregor are good enough anymore , we'll probably buy a keeper in January or summer

  9. The fact that you are asking the question, gentlemen suggests to me that do in fact need to sign another goalkeeper.

    Whether or not they do so in January or opt to wait until the end of season and sign someone in the summer of 2023 I don't know.

    But what I would say is that they really do need another GK, preferably someone who is a proven international and I certainly wouldn't leave it any later than the next summer's transfer window.

    Remember Allan McGregor will be 42 next year.

    How old is Jon McLaughlin? 35 or 36?

  10. Aye we need a new keeper soon as think them 2 goals other night could have bin saved hes passed it now need new blood why cant we give young mcCrorie a run out its time for change in that department never mind saying wait wait sort it now rather than later b4 we come a cropper its got to be done guys to old now hes not as flexable eneymore change him for me ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ”ดโšช๐Ÿ”ตmccrorie๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. Micheal copper from Plymouth could be a good option he is 23 and one of the best keepers in league 1 solid keeper and bags of potential maybe could get him in the summer for 3 million I would estimate if Plymouth don't go up

  12. Big Al's been a great turn for the bears fantastic but it's time for a change I'm sure some club would be glad to take him Rangers have always had great keepers and we need to keep up that tradition

  13. Again press conference Beale explains about Borna, given a week as he has commitments 2 his country and his home town plus his missus is expecting. Too many folk just want sum1 tae jump o and blame or dismiss

  14. 100% yes or just go with mccrorie and let him bed in for rest of season,we also need to add to def,mid and fwds just to freshen the squad to improve competition,it will also help with depth as we are not very strong in this area!

  15. McCrorie was given a new deal. If he isn't good enough, why do that? I hope he gets his chance. He has never let us down. McLaughlin is crap. Mgregor needs real competition and realistically he shouldn't be there next season. He looks done to me. I would take a keeper on loan with a view to buy. We need to look to the future and start the rebuild now. Nikita Khaykin of Bodo is 27 years old and leaving on a free this January. Everton are looking at him.

  16. My January wish list would be:
    RW Jonah Ayunga can also play upfront as big target man
    GK Nikita Khaykin free agent in January
    CM Raskin
    CM Leighton Clarke
    CB Jake Cooper
    I would use Wright as a make weight for Ayunga, as well as Matondo.

  17. Tell me in 2 hands how many times McGregor has fucked up we all know that this will be his last season big jon not good enough robby for me next season is number 1 already showed he can do it but that upti the gaffer


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