Disney’s Hidden Racist Character (Fantasia’s Sunflower) | Things Disney Wants You To Forget #shorts


40 thoughts on “Disney’s Hidden Racist Character (Fantasia’s Sunflower) | Things Disney Wants You To Forget #shorts”

  1. I was a little ginger girl taken to that movie by my dad who had started teaching me how racism was wrong when I was two as he was a human rights law expert. So he took me to this movie that was screening at the cinemas in the 70s even though it's a 40s movie. I had so much cognitive dissonance with that sunflower character because my four year old mind could critique that as super racist but Disney was good and wonderful and my dad took me to the movie so I was sitting there with this cognitive dissonance about what the f is going on.

  2. Not big on race conversation but if i saw that as a little black girl I would've picked it up immediately. Not in the way you think. I'd notice she wasn't being pampered like the other ones were, thatd make you feel like there's something wrong with you potentially, finally seeing one that looks like you being represented like that..not huge on this

  3. I mean, yeah. Sunflower is straight up black face. The intention with her design was 100% "Haha Black people!". But I do find it interesting the way we consider characters like her or the mushrooms racists caricatures while characters like Elmer Fudd or Popeye aren't even considered.

    Like… we're literally deleting non-white cartoons characters while normalizing the white ones. Obviously, this is fine if that's what the people being portrayed want. But… I guess it just bugs me that nobody sees that. How could you not? x_x

  4. Damn Disney being real f**** racist in 2023 the f*** going on Mickey Mouse you put size b** always knew you was a p** ass b** and I take your ho to I'll take her out on a strumpet date to see my sling on PING

  5. If Disney is really sincere with audience, they should have had a live-action Fantasia and bring Sunflower and Otika back. Readjust her role to show that the character was not racist. Not just doing only race swapping other characters.

  6. Exactly zero racism noted. It's just a mythical depiction. In the ancient Mediterranean world, there were black slaves. A scene reflecting that is just that and nothing more. The 'racist' mushroom – similar situation. Depicting an Asian person's eyes in this way just reflects reality. Zero racism. BTW, modern 'Disney' is just a woke garbage fest. Has nothing to do with the great American genius and visionary Walter Elias Disney and his values.

  7. Brah who cares, it’s a cartoon… that no longer exist… nobody agrees with….. The men who made it likely dead…. Who cares anyway? Let’s all get outraged

  8. Just because of his black colour he is now her slave? Nonsense. Make him white, i bet you would not then see him as her slave, or as a servant.
    Newsflash: White servants existed,and still exist. But,all see a black servant, and everyone screams rascism?
    Thats uncalley for, and just made it too look like that for fame, likes,followers, and your sucess, that comes along with it Just ugh, stop defaming everyone!


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