Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear To The Rescue! Livestream

HI!!!!! Welcome to GameCheddar. My name is Chadwick and I own the channel FamilyIsForever. That channel is a bit of everything but mostly Music and VLogs. I decided that instead of mixing all of my Live Game streams into that channel and making a mess of things, which i did and it sucks . I decided to Create a separate channel for all of my Gaming Videos. Oh and the name GameCheddar. Weird? Yes. Cheesy? lol yes . But Available . Yes It was Available . all the other names were already in use. Which was very irritating. Also Due to youtubes all new Policies , I will do my best to keep it clean. So ya thats it, Welcome and Enjoy some good gaming….. Actually it’s probably not very good but thats a matter of opinion. So if your one who thinks of my videos as not very good, My opinion is that your opinion doesn’t matter as much as it would if you liked and enjoyed my gaming vids. lol


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