Disney Lets Rich Guests BULLY Their Cast Members?

Apparently if you belong to the Disney Vacation Club, you can physically attack Disney World Cast Members and get away with it. Yes, a police report talks about a belligerent guest attacking a restaurant employee and says that Disney let them off because they’re a DVC member.

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40 thoughts on “Disney Lets Rich Guests BULLY Their Cast Members?”

  1. As a former Cast Member I can say that this happens too often and management says “There’s nothing we can do” and “The Guest is always right.” So I quit after 7 years.

  2. Using the word "trespass" for the act of removing someone from your own property is so weird to me. Is it a new thing? I've heard police using it on bodycam footage recently when they talk about "trespassing" intruders for property owners, but in the Bible and most other contexts in English over the centuries since the Bible was published, "trespass" means to be the intruder or aggressor. It would be like calling getting fined for a crime "getting transgressed" or "getting sinned".

  3. That’s typical in every business world wide. You want that guys money. All of it. You let him swear and scream , call you names, then you take it all and laugh all the way to the bank. Trust me, if you ever own your own business, you will do the same.

  4. That halloween thing at Disney is bs too. They make you pay full price then boot you out before the halloween thing starts. Effectively stealing your money as you don't get what you paid for. Especially a problem when you only have the 1 day or its your last day.

  5. $100 the employee was a college program member terrified of losing his job or being deported back to his country. I did my time in the college program and saw enough to see what Disney really represented.

  6. What does the Disney Police do? Look at their recipts and let them go if they are over a certain amount of money? Im sure there is not much money lost if a poor person is thrown out. But a Whale? Thats a huge loss of income if they got thrown out or banned.

  7. You're just noticing this now? Believe me when I say this…this is nothing new. I hate Disney and everything in it on it or about it. However, as much as I loathe, detest, revile, despise, and hate them I don't want this either. I just want them and their garbage parks to disappear. The world will be a better place with them gone.

  8. On the cruise ship if you don't give your servers raving revues it really hurts them. I found it super annoying. I should be able to leave a real revue so they can improve where it needs it. The cast members are great, they deserve a good work environment with fair pay. Disney can afford to treat their staff right. It might take consumer bullying to get them to though.

  9. Is it true that some Disney land employees & Disney world employees call it Mousewitz, after a certain infamous 39 – 45 camp near Krakow?
    Theres only so much an employee will be willing to take, if your company allows it's customers to mistreat employees, and never stands up for it's employees, it won't be long before you have NO WORKFORCE & NO BUSINESS.

  10. I've found that most "real rich" people are actually more civil, polite and respectful than the nouveau riche, or the almost rich. The nouveau and the almost seem to want to "dick wave" their wealth around and brag about how important they are. The real don't do that.

  11. I'd be interested to hear about how many cast members get [sack-usually] harassed/assaulted by Disney's whales and what Disney does in response. I mean, it's simply got to happen: you have young, typically attractive, cast members of both genders around people who are used to getting what they want even when not in the "It's my vacation, and I'll do what I want" mindset. At no point in human history has that NOT been a recipe for disaster.

  12. It’s sad that this is the state of our culture in America…..that the rich have an exaggerated sense of entitlement…..this “little people” mentality is going to be the death of the spirit of what this country was built on. And it’s even more sad that Disney puts up with it. Personally, IDC how much money you have, you treat one of my employees with entitlement disrespect, you’ll be out on your Gucci clad ass!!!!

  13. I was a lifeguard at Y&B in 04 as a CP, even then this bs happened. Nothing physical but people thinking in addition to watching our section of the water we were their personal babysitter. I got yelled at by a guest for not watching their kid. They left their kid in my section and then he ran to another area that wasn’t mine. My manger just shrugged her shoulders and said we need to listen to the guests.

    That’s on top of many occurrences of people being way beyond drunk floating around and not being allowed to pull them from the pool despite them from being one sip away from blackout drunk.

  14. This happens in ANY service industry that happens to occasionally cater to the rich, corporations will bend over backwards to sacrifice employee dignity safety and mental health for the sake of pampering a rich customer. Just ask people who work on the ground floor and behind the scenes, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are under an NDA to protect the company at the cost of their job, which would further provide suspicion when there's no company secret to defend.


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