Disney Dining Plan, Reservations Rolled Back (a bit) + MORE | Citrus Corner LIVE

In this live show…host DisneyFamilyMan23 is joined by VashSky + OG55 to discuss the return of the dining plan, reservations and more !! All WDW discussion !!

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4 thoughts on “Disney Dining Plan, Reservations Rolled Back (a bit) + MORE | Citrus Corner LIVE”

  1. I have mentioned this before; while I am happy to hear that Disney World is going to extend Disney theme park reservation system and simplify the Genie+ and Lightning Lane services. This is all taking place in 2024 which is by coincidence is the same year Bob Iger is slated to step down in Dec. 31, 2024. Which kind of makes me wonder will this actually happen or is it something to keep Disney fans happy during Disney's 100th anniversary. After hearing this Q2 2023 Disney Quarterly Earnings Analysis and the Florida (Disney vs DeSantis war) am starting to really worry the future of the Disney parks and Disney Co. as a whole. At this point ideas suggested that Apple buy the parks and having OLC come and show them on how to run a Disney park. While far fetched would not be impossible seeing how the Disney Co. in the beginning had to teach OLC how to run a Disney theme park. OLC could now do teach Apple how to run a Disney theme park.

  2. Tokyos Monorail is charged due to Japans mass transit laws. If you have more then one stop you have to charge. Thats the reason Tokyo Disneys Railroad is one station only. However OLC use that money to make sure the Monorail is in tip top shape since they are really nice.


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