Dishonored 2 Full Playthrough 041

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17 thoughts on “Dishonored 2 Full Playthrough 041”

  1. Glad (and TBH a bit surprised!) you were able to achieve the non-lethal Delilah outcome! I thought for sure once you knocked her out, your course would be unchangeable. 🙂

    42:00 YAAASSSSS!! I just completed DotO myself; the first game in the Dishonored series that I finished before watching playthroughs of it. It's a blast! I do hope you don't try to artificially limit your capabilities in it like you did here, though… 🙏😁

  2. it's not as bad as mining gravel with a pickaxe but, we the viewers need to know: what it is about the last two objectives that made you think that the way to progress/finish the mission was to go back through a part of the map you've cleared out already.

    cannot wait to see the death of the outsider play through, gotta go for bonecharms in the DLC, they're essential to how your powers function it's pretty cool & a much needed refresher on the same old bonecharm system.

  3. This was a great playthrough! Befitting of X's style. I saw some videos of some others playing and was astounded at how different the playstyles can be. Definitely made me appreciate the artistry of this highly considered, story-driven style.

  4. Great series X and it’s been so good to watch knowing the series was guaranteed to finish and each episode would arrive on schedule. The new system works great and I can’t wait for Crysis 2!

  5. I enjoyed this a lot. Congratulations! Keep doing what you're doing because it's working for you. Good job! I look forward to the DLC and may I suggest you consider a playthrough of Prey (2017)? Honestly, I'd watch you play any of the 0451 games.

  6. Oh how I missed these old-school style playthroughs. Never realised how subtly they changed as people focused more on the metrics for their videos. Also, knowing the series will finish after so many ones were left at the start or in the middle was a great decision.


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