Discovering SCP Episode 126: Soup-Soup Fruit

In Episode 126 of Discovering SCP, these fifty days truly were fun, weren’t they?

Articles This Week: (The Loser) – HarryBlank

Aetheral Space on Royal Road:
Aetheral Space: Sparks of Blue:

Thank you to ANOMALOUS for their fantastic editing!
Thank you to Hamiltoe for the fantastic thumbnail!
Check out Corgo on Twitter!

Content relating to the SCP Foundation, including the SCP Foundation logo, is licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 and all concepts originate from​ and its authors. This video, being derived from this content, is hereby also released under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0.


12 thoughts on “Discovering SCP Episode 126: Soup-Soup Fruit”

    I ate the Author Author fruit making me a scp wiki man and now I'm unable to touch grass

    Next episode will probably be before the 12th so happy birthday Tan I hope Darnell has spent obscene amounts of money on his gift for you then you can rate it on the Doornail scale. Speaking of which, I give this episode 21/10 including the 15 bonus stars and the 2 negative bonus stars.

    The Chaos insurgency is probably the oldest GOI on SCP but they haven't had any exciting expansions to their lore like the other groups(hopefully I wanna try and expand upon it) which is why they were mostly the butt of the joke for 7000 so I can't really blame Darnell for not knowing who they are.

    Oh yea my recent article 6140-J: The Br*tish Empire has been doing very well and it passed +100. I wanna thank you guys for giving me the initial push to do this cringe "writing" thing it's been very fun. Happy bday Tan and have a good one

  2. 7000 be complete at last
    Also advance b-day to le Tanhony 😀

    Consumed a Yellow Yellow fruit, good source of potassium

  3. I've consumed the Achoo-Choo Fruit, it gives me uncontrollable sneezes that sound like the whistle of a train. Anyone who hears them is forced to say "Gesundheit" and tip me five U.S. dollars as a reward for covering my mouth. If they are unable to pay they must now do my bidding for one task. Kyeh kyeh kyeh kyeh. Also, hearing the sneezes makes you shit your pants.

    Finally, for your consideration.

    >Be Darnell
    >Have a two-week break from DSCP and SCP in general
    >Return, excited to do more SCP
    >Read literally one SCP
    >Decide to switch to Creepypasta for October
    > 57:24 "Finally! Yessss! Just the break we needed from SCP"

    Glad you guys are back in peak form. <3

  4. Hey there Tanhony and Darnell I love this podcast it helps me get though work everynight although I'm not caught up I'm at SCP-5000 right now and wanted to say how much I appreciate you guys doing this and with a question in previous episodes you guys talk about playing dnd so maybe a dnd 5e podcast? Discovering Mimics?


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