Discover Nielsen's Fifth Symphony TONIGHT!

Come experience Nielsen’s stirring Fifth Symphony tonight at 7:30 PM at the ISU Center for the Performing Arts. Tickets available at the door.

Music Director Candidate Tania Miller shares her insight into Nielsen’s Fifth Symphony. Enjoy this clip and then #listenLIVE tonight!

“What I find extraordinary about Nielsen’s Symphony No. 5 is the powerful sense of contrast that it draws us into. When I’m programming concerts, I want to create an experience for the audience that’s going to change them or move them in some way.

Nielsen’s Symphony is a war symphony. Whether it was or wasn’t directly influenced by WW1 (it was written between 1920‐22), the mood and the conflict are at war within the piece itself. For me, with the conflicts that we are currently facing in our world, this artistic exploration of “good vs. evil” or “dark against light”.

In his score, Nielsen penciled “dark, resting forces, alert forces”. This music draws us into the relationship between peaceful experience and conflicting tensions and seems to take us on a journey through it all. In this concert, audiences will experience the extremes of tension and of peacefulness or restfulness.”

Join us tonight at 7:30 PM at the ISU Center for the Performing Arts! Details at


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