Disco Odin Is Real – Tychus Edition: Nightmare Difficulty WoL – 07

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0:00 – Intro
0:55 – Mission 1
17:40 – Mission 2
34:55 – Mission 3


49 thoughts on “Disco Odin Is Real – Tychus Edition: Nightmare Difficulty WoL – 07”

  1. 43:18 Tassadar co-op commander, traveling through time to bring all of the greatest Templar to one place and time for the greatest battle of history. The lore is fubar and the heroes are all fanfic OCs

  2. Grant, you dont need to hug repair turrets with your whole mining line, remember they have combat upgrade, SCV can clean some attack waves with the A move. On train robbery 3 scvs killed like 8 marines before dying. they have the same hp and like 80% of zelot dps.

  3. honestly moderately disappointed that Engine of Destruction didn't give you control of the Odin with AI Jim Raynor to support. maybe it would have been too easy for a nightmare-based mod but I think it would have been fun.

  4. actually, if you destroy the outlaw bar, and rebuild it again, you can get tychus from the bar + the odin active xD, I accidentally discover this when my bar got destroyed by a surprise attack

  5. if you don't mind cheesing you can finish shatter the sky in minutes

    get the medivac, sam, sam's dmg upgrade; drop sam on the point and use 2 charges on the tower, repeat 3 other times

  6. 31:50 I didn't know that english version of Starcraft 2 has an "Żywią y Bronią" advertisement (i thought only polish has it).
    What is it? It translates to "They Feed and Defend": a motto of "Kosynierzy" (Scythemen) – peasants who take their scythes, repurposed them as an polearm weapon and took part in Kościuszko Uprising in 1794.

  7. The medic shouldn't react to A move or attack command as she dont have attack but instead she moves there like a complete idiot and die, that's why i never pick her and take rattlesnake instead.

  8. The Michelin Man as we call him in English or his proper name Bibendum first appeared in 1894. So calling him a knock off of "Poppin' Fresh" the Pillsbury Doughboy who came out in 1965… is kind of putting the car before the horse there Grant. 🤣🤣🤣

  9. I do find it amusing that you keep forgetting that you have Combat SCVs. I totally understand why though, constructors not being fighters being ingrained in most RTS. But remember, if they are ground enemies, The Boys can get punchy and drilly.

  10. I feal like nux is gonna be a better choice here, mainly because you will probably want to get rid of air abd leave the nidus alone, in this scenario aircraft will not be a problem meaning vega will be kinda pointless, overall nux will outperform her and he also is coller than her.

  11. What's been really surprising is how Grants micro seems to get worse the fewer units he has. give him an army of stalkers and he's a micro god. Give him 2 hero units and one will die offscreen.

  12. Spoilers for the final Zerg research:

    I did All In ground because I picked lone wolf and it’s the most ridiculous upgrade. That prestige in coop solos everything so it was easy getting all the nydusi. Of course in nightmare you still have to deal with air but that wasn’t too bad at all

  13. @43:20 in Nexus Co-Op the arcade version of Co-Op there is a protoss version of the Tychus playstyle. Artanis, Fenix, Alarak, Karax and Rohanna I believe.

    Would be awesome if a modder could port that into LotV!

  14. I had too much experementation, fun, and stupid stuff on this mission with my Hercs, you can actually use their hook to get to ellevated areas, if you find right position, and also can get to the places like cosmos and walk freely, it breaks scripts but clearing it all with just 3 hercs was both fun and miserable, took me like 5 hours each time in randomiser.


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