New World Launch time, new world Preload Time, and New World name reservation disaster!
“New World’s launch is a unique moment when Aeternum is an unclaimed land of opportunity, and the ability for you and your Company to organize, progress, and claim your territory is an exciting event as you establish a foothold to defend and develop. We want that initial land rush to feel fair for all our players around the world.”…. LOL…. “FAIR”
#PlayNewWorld #NewWorldMMO #NewWorld
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8AM CEST EU Servers will launch (9/27 at 11pm PT)
8AM BRT South American Servers will launch (9/28 4am PT)
9PM AEST Australian Servers will launch (9/28 4am PT*)
8AM ET NA East Coast Server will launch (9/28 at 5am PT)
8AM PT NA West Coast Servers will launch


41 thoughts on “DISASTER! – LAUNCH SECRETS of New World!”

  1. New World Global Server Launch Times; (Give or take up to 2 hours… based on past experiences)
    8AM CEST EU Servers will launch (9/27 at 11pm PT)

    8AM BRT South American Servers will launch (9/28 4am PT)

    9PM AEST Australian Servers will launch (9/28 4am PT)

    8AM ET NA East Coast Server will launch (9/28 at 5am PT)

    8AM PT NA West Coast Servers will launch

  2. It's amazing how names in MMOs have been a major issue for as long as MMOs have existed. I remember what I did to lock in a name for an EQ character ahead of an update, and that was with names being limited to one per server.

    Ironies of ironies, there are ways of letting multiple characters share names on a server; I remember playing Champions Online and running into a character with the same name as the one I was playing at the moment; we were differentiated by having our account names be visible in parenthesis, but ours were the only ones doing that at that moment and once we were on different maps it stopped. So, there are ways around this issue. I just don't understand why more game developers don't use them. It's like they WANT the first day of a launch to also be an ultimate stress test by forcing everyone to log on to their servers at the same time…

    Making one use of a name worldwide? I expect ALL the good names will be taken before the last servers go live. Frankly, I expect THAT will be patched out of existence the first time a new GM needs to use a random alphanumeric code because all of the easy to pronounce names are taken…

  3. NZ release time is theoretically midnight if they don't open early as well. These timings seem so off to me compared to previous mmo releases etc.
    Too bad I start work at 7am as well 🙁

  4. I know it hasn’t been that long since upload, but any update as to the preorder bonuses being locked to your first character? I want to reserve my name, but at the same time, I want the bonuses

  5. Seen a post from one of the Developers on Reddit that said once a character has been deleted that user name will be linked to that account for 1 minute, after this minute if the name has not been used within this time it will be unlocked globally.

  6. A DEV reply on reddit stated names are bound to account for approx. 1 minute.

    As for global names, I would imagine the reason is quite simple. Further server merges would be super simple without having to worry about player name conflicts, even region wide.

  7. I am thinking that they are doing this for future expansions and game mechanics we don't know about just yet. I am pretty sure eventually we will have instances, raids, sea wars where we get quoeud up internationally or some sort of PVP Tournaments. There is a reason why they want unique names.

  8. I just woke up its 5:30 am and I'm waiting for the launch. I've never done this to play ANY game but someone I know gifted me pre-order for this game so now I have to play it as soon as it's available to the public

  9. The queue simulator is fucking fail. I'm refunding this shitgame. Tubers and streamers get through magically but the common rabble need to wait. That + you get gear for watching one of the cancerous cunts. Fuck this shit.

  10. Today is the 2. day and i play on EU servers, but is so slow to login and i wait and wait in rank of ~4000 persons before me. Why has Amazon the billioner company so slow and cheap servers and services.👿. I was playın dekates ago KnightOnline without this kind of lag and wait times for simply logins


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