Direct challenge to China? U.S Warships sails Taiwan Strait for the first time since Pelosi visit

The US Navy sent two warships through international waters in the Taiwan Strait on Sunday for the first time since the Taiwan visit of the US House speaker, Nancy Pelosi. The U.S Navy cruisers sailed through a corridor in the Strait that is ‘beyond the territorial sea of any coastal state’. U.S 7th fleet in a statement said that the guided-missile cruisers USS Antietam & USS Chancellorsville were conducting ‘routine transit.’ The U.S operation comes at a time of heightened tensions between U.S & China over Taiwan. China’s PLA had conducted unprecedented military drills around the island nation that it views as its own territory, after several U.S lawmakers visited Taiwan earlier this month.

#China #Beijing #Wargames #MilitaryExercises #MilitaryDrills #Military #PLA #USA #US #NancyPelosy #USNavy #USMilitary


19 thoughts on “Direct challenge to China? U.S Warships sails Taiwan Strait for the first time since Pelosi visit”

  1. Phonela நான் உங்களுக்கு பதில் சொல்லி உங்கள பாத்தாலே போதும். நீங்க சொல்லுறத மட்டும் தான் நாங்க கேப்போம். மேல இருக்கவங்க தான் எங்களுக்கு முக்கியம். வெட்டி வேலை பாக்குறவங்க வீணா போனவங்களபத்தி கண்டுக்கனுன்னு அவசியம் இல்ல. கக்கூஸ்களுக்கு எதுவும் தரனுன்னு அவசியம் இல்ல அதுககிட்ட இருந்தா போகட்டும்.

  2. YERLERİN VE GÖKLERİN VE HERŞEYİN SAHİBİ YÜCE ALLAH CC çin hükümeti doğu Türkistan kardeş lerimizi soykırım uygulayan bir terör ve işgalci terör örgütü çin doğu Türkistan kardeş lerimizi yaptığın soykırım bedelini dünyada ve ahirette ağır ödeyecek sin çin yok olmaya mahkumdur ALLAHIN İZNİYLE çin zalimdir zalimler için yaşasın CEHENNEM

  3. This time is China and next time could be India or any others. So, there is really nothing to brags on behalf of USA bullying. Their days are numbered and the day of multipolarization.are gradually coming in sight.

  4. The truth of the matter is that politicians in the West and the US including Australia (Australia which is psychologically totally confused and suffering from an identity crisis as it thinks it is "west" when the reality is that it is geographically part of Asia!!!), are still stuck in their mental capacity and attitude in the glory days of "empire" 5-6 centuries ago.
    They may have learned to wear Gucci suits nowadays but nothing else seem to have evolved in their psyche and consciousness from their barbarian days. Instead of recognising their sordid past and history , they celebrate their delusions like "Thanksgiving Day" which the Native American Indians rightly and clearly remember and commemorate as their "Day of Mourning" being the beginning of the murdering, genociding, plundering, stealing, raping and ultimately, OCCUPATION , of their land uninvited, without any due compensation even till today.
    But these thieves and robbers take a lot of pride in the stories they tell themselves and sell to the world how great their "founding" was!!! Same stories with the "Empire" where the sun never sets. Australia with the Aborigines. New Zealand with their Maoris. The African continent with all those Europeans……… goes on and on. This is the 21st Century , for chrissakes! Grow up and come out of that sick and primitive mentality of never ending desire to dominate, control and subjugate.
    The zillions of dollars spent on wars and "defence" and the other zillions being hoarded by the 1% is more than sufficient to provide every human being on the planet a very decent and never anything wanting life on this planet with the healthiest and cleanest environment. And we pride ourselves as being the only creature on earth with the intelligence, consciousness and capacity of free will and choice. And these sick politicians choose never ending squabbles, tensions and wars!!! Go figure.

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    American activist and social media expert Jerry Day has called on the American nation to recognize the war crimes the U.S. government, military and corporate deep-state have committed in the Middle East and rest of the world. “They [U.S.] are simply bombing whatever they want to bomb, killing whoever they want to kill, destroying whatever they choose to destroy without legal grounds. We are the new global villain," said Day. Broken Treaties
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    From 1964 to 1973, the U.S. dropped more than two million tons of ordnance on Laos during 580,000 bombing missions—equal to a planeload of bombs every 8 minutes, 24-hours a day, for 9 years – making Laos the most heavily bombed country per capita in history. The bombings were part of the U.S. Secret War in Laos to support the Royal Lao Government against the Pathet Lao and to interdict traffic along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The bombings destroyed many villages and displaced hundreds of thousands of Lao civilians during the nine-year period.
    Five years ago, the US forces, using the fake intelligence of a staged video by “White Helmets” as evidence, conducted the so-called “most precise air strikes in history” in Syria, killing more than 1,600 innocent civilians. In recent years, the international community has been calling for investigations into the killing of civilians in the US’ overseas military operations. On Syria alone, the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic pointed out several times in its reports in September 2019 and February 2021 that the US failed to distinguish military targets from civilians in its air strikes in Syria, which gravely violates international humanitarian law and may constitute war crimes. However, the US government has been turning a deaf ear to all this. 
    According to reports, over the past nearly two decades, the US conducted over 90,000 air strikes in countries including Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, which may have killed up to 48,000 civilians. But the US military time and again covered up the facts and refused to apologize, admit its crimes or hold the perpetrators accountable. It did everything possible to evade its responsibilities.
    On the drone strike of civilians in Afghanistan, a Pentagon spokesperson said openly in December 2021 that no US soldiers will face disciplinary action over it. The US media also disclosed at the end of last year that from 2014 to 2019, the US military turned its guns on farmers in the middle of harvest, children playing in the streets, families fleeing the fighting and villagers taking shelter in buildings. These disastrous crimes were deliberately concealed and whitewashed. US media revealed last year that according to the US military’s own confidential assessments of more than 1,300 reports of civilian casualties, civilian casualties in US air strikes have been “significantly undercounted”. Larry Lewis, a Director at the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) of the US said that on average at least one incident of civilian harm has happened every week since 9/11.
    There has been an overall pattern of negligence with regard to the US government on the issue of civilian harm. The US has also obstructed the International Criminal Court’s investigations into its war crimes in Afghanistan.  Every human life, regardless of nationality, race, religion or values, is equal and precious. The US should earnestly respond to the strong call of the international community, conduct a credible, independent and impartial investigation into civilian casualties caused by US air strikes, and hold the people concerned accountable.

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  5. Passing Taiwan Strait is not a provocation. Any ship at any time can pass Taiwan Strait because it is an international body of water. If crossing Taiwan strait is is no threat( at the doorstep of China) then Russia and China ,Iran can cross the 15 state-based subsidiaries that own and/or operate water utilities in California, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.Can any body or idiots explain the logic of why USA in 1962 even threatened nuclear war and explain the man-roe doctrine no country can threaten USA territory mandated in 1962…??????and Cuba Crises… .


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