Diphtheria Game – Dev Vlog #02

Diphtheria Game โ€˜s second Development Vlog!

Weโ€™ve revamped the majority of our codebase, as well as improved several existing models and textures, built new zombie AI from the ground up, improved weapon mechanics, and more!

Please keep in mind, Soldatra Studios is a privately funded organization with a single active developer. We do not take any donations, preorders, or have any sort of crowdfunding campaign. This studio operates on pure passion & transparency.

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#Diphtheria #Soldatra Studios #UnrealEngine


39 thoughts on “Diphtheria Game – Dev Vlog #02”

  1. This once again looks incredible, the transparency your team has with the community is so amazing and very highly valued and seemingly so rare in the current gaming environment ๐Ÿ™‚
    I'm not sure if it's already been covered as my memory could be faulty but have you envisioned there being systems in place for stealth combat which doesn't include guns with suppressors? Like how in DayZ and many games you can perform backstab silent kills and play around that if you'd like to. I saw people giving ideas and just wondered if you were considering/planning it or maybe tested it and realised it wouldn't quite fit into your vision.

    If you do read this then thank you for your time, I hope everybody in Soldatra studios has a lovely day! ^^

  2. I absolutely love this. I really appreciate devs like you, how you're not trying to hide or sugarcoat anything and just putting it all out there… i can tell this is a passion project and it's looking great. keep at it dude. Added to my steam wish list.

  3. so i had also checked dead matter and compared with this game. one thing i would like to beg you is the spawning system. In DM, if you shot without suppressor, zombies would spawned from under the group, like jumped up, which is suck (in 0.7.4 at least, dont know if them changed it or not). ALSO, love your game, please dont be like the DTB OR DM. BTW, would you also put ai human in the game, like bandits, soldiers, civilians? I hope some human could be like tarkov, belongs to different groups with different loots.

  4. I've been following this one for a while. I remember seeing the trailer and getting hyped, then immediately depressed – after so many vaporware games like Dead Matter that promise player freedom, tactile combat, true survival, and then turn to dust, I felt jaded. I still am, really. I really hope this comes out, and it's anywhere near as good as it looks.
    I really do hope you guys make it. This is a really cool premise and a lot of people have swung for it, but nobody's ever really hit it home yet. I'm not holding my breath, after being burned so many times. But I am rooting for you.

  5. Greetings dear Devs,
    Your game definitely seems to be ambitious & promising. One of my very best upcoming Early Access surprises ever.
    Heard about Perma Death just like in Survival Mode of The Long Dark. This is great and the best in terms of immersion.
    Just discovered this yesterday evening. Insta-Followed and Insta-Wishlisted on Steam.
    Congrats, thank you, good luck, and please keep up the good work.
    All the Best.

  6. Man yall are doin a great job, wishlist this game and it looks so good. I do have a question about the zombies, i seen you talk about the zombie spawnin and i was wonderin, when the zombies spawn and they see you, will they chase you say forever until you kill or lose them, like say they chase you from the city all the way to the countryside? May be a stupid question but i was not sure. Keep up the great work and please take your time and dont โ€œcanโ€ this game lol, but keep it up yall, cause i cant wait to play it. And thank you for doin your hardest to bring an amazin survival game to us.

  7. it feels like dead matter that game had potential until it seemed they couldnt keep with the true nature of that first trailer turning on a tv or a light switch and also the game just doesnt feel like they were talking about tho are these zombies actually dead or infected with a rabies like virus if so with the rabies like virus and still alive maybe try to add mutations to the infected your game has so much potential maybe the next game we can get this idea you guys are incredible and would be cool to see you guys respond to my message because trust me i will stream this game this game is too good to not stream also is this going to be steam exclusive first or a possible port to xbox one one day be really cool

  8. This is the type of energy we need baby! Itโ€™s nice not hearing a โ€œdevโ€ sound like a fuckin car salesmen. The hard work looks like itโ€™s paying off! ๐Ÿ‘

  9. the game looks amazing man i am going to facking buy it first mate . it better then any other games man i love it . i ave a question how big the map will be like bigger then GTA 5 or Day z ?


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