Digimon TCG | Resurgence Booster | REPRINTS FINALIZED! HOT OR NOT?

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19 thoughts on “Digimon TCG | Resurgence Booster | REPRINTS FINALIZED! HOT OR NOT?”

  1. As a Canadian(Ontario) the value of your average RB-01 Pack is going to be around 20 bucks, mostly because we have a low amount of Stores selling/hosting Digimon. I do agree that this should have been released sooner.

  2. ngl, would've MUCH preferred if they made it an actual reprint set and a small, seperate set for the Ghost Game cards.
    Have near 0 interest in the reprints, since most just seen utterly pointless to be reprinted, like Nokia, Nidhoggmon, the Hybrids or the old ShineGreymon, but want to built at least the Gammamon deck, with Diarbbitmon also having most cards ready
    Meanwhile i'm sure there are people that are on the opposite, that have no interest in the Ghost Game decks, but want some of those reprints

  3. I think the lvl5 lineup has 2 very good highlights! MagnaAngemon is generally great (though I fear an influx of SecCon), but the yellow RizeGrey is the best one out of the bunch in my opinion. I think it's just a generally great card for yellow and red/yellow.
    And the…unusual… Digi-burst reprints make me a little hopeful they might actually bring it back at some point!(???)

  4. i think you forgot the new players entry, i play this this game like 6 month ago and some card staple are more or less expensive, and is a good set for who donst have any of the tamers or the memory or the lvl2 or some lvl3.

  5. I agree with you that this set should have dropped sooner or have different cards like Rina and others. The ones for some reason that are hard to pull cars that are must haves.

  6. This really should’ve been released sooner.
    However, it’s at least good for newer players who want specific cards like Mimi and TK.
    I’ll admit the bt3 mimi could’ve been a different tamer to have as opposed to Nokia or bt4 Izzy.

    Reprinting cards from sets 6-9 would’ve also been good from older staples like bt6 Pagumon to secret rares like Beelstarmon and Lucemon chaos mode.

  7. I'm brand new to the game (only have Beelzemon starter), a friend and I were thinking if going half and half in a box of this, do you think that's worth it just to get a starting collection between the 2 of us? Also planning on getting the new starters next month.

  8. The set should have probably dropped earlier, but There's still several reprints here that I'm happy about and will hopefully be able to get for a decent price. I'd like to get my last 2 Zwart Defeats and Lilithmons to complete a play set, even though I don't play red getting the Koromon and a playset of Tais would be nice fore future reference, I'd like to get another Playset of Demimeramons since I run a lot of purple decks and am lazy so I don't always like switching eggs back and forth, lol. I think I saw the promo demideivmon in there that trashes cards when played which… If we ever get more dandevimon support might be used. I'd like a second playset of Magnaangemons since I mainly run yellow decks, including sec con so having 2 playsets could be nice for the same reason as Demimeramon. Probably a few others as well.

  9. The only reason I'm getting this box is that I need so much stuff from it that would probably cost me more to grab individually then hopefully get them from the pack, I want to build all 3 ghost game decks and need so many reprints, even zwart defeat would be a really nice pick for one of my favorite decks

  10. It's a pretty bad set given JP got this prior to set 13 while we are getting it quite aways after. Even in Japan's case, this set should have been made by like set 9. Like you said, the vast majority of cards here are just not used anymore. We are 13 sets in the game and they are reprinting set 1 cards. For the english side, since we got it so much later and they werent even originally going to do this for us till we made a big deal over it, they should have gone and reprinted more recent, relevant cards. Imagine a Rina reprint or a DeathX reprint.

  11. Really dislike that we’re getting reprints in this set, I understand that players may need some older staples. But majority of these cards have been power crept or will be very soon, the confirmed reprints aren’t anything super relevant which makes it worse for me. I just want the Ghost Game stuff

  12. cries in Rina Shinobia BT11
    I am tired of looking at cardmarket and seeing that 35 € pricetag PER CARD looming over her, even though she is essential for Ulforce Veedramon decks.


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