Digimon is Proposing Some WILD Games!

These are some crazy ideas and today we’re going to be discussing how I think they may work.

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34 thoughts on “Digimon is Proposing Some WILD Games!”

  1. Imo MOBA would be really promising if they implement the tech they had in another one that was axed too soon, where they heavily incentive getting a friendly vote, where ranking up exp is multiplied by 2 for each player who votes positively for you, so in that game everybody was positive, and even if someone was tilted, they'd often apologize. Having a moba with a good community even if it's smaller I think awould be fairly popular.
    Also it's not too heavy on dev required as there's no writing required and not that much animation and characters.

  2. A few years back I'd have said definitely yes to a diablo-like arpg, but now with D4, lost ark last epoch, grim dawn, poe/poe2, and titan quest 2 looming on the horizon, there's not a lot of space anymore. Though a heavily minion based arpg would be interesting and would have a niche, maybe playing like an hybrid of rts and arpg. Or maybe with a command system like ff12? (Basically your monsters would have a list of commands that are taken in order and the first condition met is executed.
    So like "if [ally] [hp] [lower than 50%] [cast heal]" with each bracket being a slot that you can socket a value into, and maybe you can get them somewhere, so unlocking some is part of the progression.

  3. One thing I like about Digimon over Pokemon is the fact that Digimon is a lot more flexible with what you can do with the franchise than Pokemon is.
    I could see a decent or even good Digimon game in any of these genres. Granted I am not interested in part of these genres, but I could still see Digimon working well in them.

    A Soulslike Digimon game where you could start as a selection of Digimon and actually Digivolve as you proceed. Absorbing Data of the Digimon you defeat to grow stronger.

  4. action RPG, TRPG, pixel art RPG all would be very good to me due to past experiences. Action based games could work too but it depends how its done, as far as hack and slash goes, if they go the direction of digimon world 4, it'll be absolutely horrible if they don't do it right… strategy makes no sense less you playing from a villain perspective? I not sure how heroes would have so many digis lol. MOBA is big no just for the fact that pokemon unite exist and ppl will compare.

    Party, shooting, puzzle are all too weird to dive into, puzzle is probably a no cause pokemon already went there and once again, ppl might compare. Social communication seems like the usual but with no battles which be a bit too weird. Cards was fun one time digimon tried it, maybe they could try again? Battle royale is a big LOL, no thanks. MMORPG will also be a no thanks to the idea that a certain digimon MMO set the bar so low, ppl might not want it.

    Action adventure 2D seem like a good idea on paper but they would have to make it interesting somehow, maybe add a bit of things similar to monster sanctuary in term of metriodvania where certain digis or form is needed to progress. Finally Souls-like, I have to disagree with this one just simply cause I feel like it would turn into a digimon world 4 but open world and souls-like and I don't… really see that working out lol.

    Overall, I prefer if digimon do their own thing but typically RPG-like is where they seem at their best but that's my opinion only on how i think all this will go.

  5. I personally consider Digimon World to have roguelite elements at it's core. Your monsters die, and their reincarnations inherit stats and resources gathered by the previous mon.

  6. Hello Gym leader ED i have been watching this video, and i can say that hack and slash genre is not gonna work they did it with digimon world 4 which was on ps2 the controls are brutal and digivolutions are only available when you clear game and also clear bonus quests required for digivolutions those quests must be completed with 1hp it is absolute failure in my opinion. The biggest chance for success i imagine it would be either metroidvania, rpg, tactical rpg and pixel art, i would love to explore digimon world in metroidvania style and if they use pixel art it is gonna be absolute blast and if they incorporate things from monster sanctuary that would be amazing, monster sanctuary is a great game by the way i haven't even played it, but i saw you videos and i really like this game. Gonna wait for digimon metroidvania. Big like for you.

  7. I wish i'd known about the survey before it was closed but i'd honestly just love to see some remakes/remasters with some new qol introduced.
    If they fixed up the problems and the like in dw2 or dw3 then I could see them being incredibly popular and not just for the nostalgia

  8. Think about this:
    Soulslike happening in the Old Digital World.
    The world is still sealed, abandoned by god.
    The levels of X-Program in the air are still high.
    Most Digimon can't endure the pain of living and give up, but because of GrandDracumon, instead of simply dying, they go through Death-X-Evolution.
    You are just a survivor trying to survive, and have to go through this horrible world, killing straight to the top.

  9. A digimon action RPG could be something like Lost Kingdoms, where you summon independent monsters to fight with their own ai, which would be simple since you could reuse the enemy ai as your partner ai. There could also be 'weapon' summons, which are summons where your guy comes out does a guy and leaves.

    I'd be super down for another Lost Kingdoms, even more so if it had a digimon skin.

  10. Idk man, I would love a Digimon game in the vein of PokeMMO or Temtem, without stupid systems like the Digimon Masters game or whatever the trash MMO is called. There's so many digimons too that it wouldn't die a similar death as Temtem has.

  11. I'd just like to point out that an official Hack and Slash DMC-style Digimon game exists, and it was called Digimon World 4. Digimon has pretty much tried everything, not just monster collectors and RPGs. I for one would very much so love either another World game, or a new Story game (honestly I'd love if we got both, since there have been supposedly multiple game projects in the works, which we were told in one of the trailers for Next Order's port last February.)

  12. A digimon game in the style of bleach soul resurrection would be dope. Ultimates and megas are the ones that fits the most with that type of gameplay, like Bancholeomon and Grademon. Evolution could work as a power up, for example, shinegreymon reaching burst mode through filling up some kind of bar. Upgrade system would be nice too.

  13. Funny I think a Digimon battle royale could be really good, of couser not in the sence of looting and shoting guns but as 30 diferent digimon on the same map competing, maybe finding itens to raise stats and evolve, having diferent paths depending on what you find while fighting other digimon trying to do the same, only to end in an epic battle betwen megas to see the last one standig. Would be dificult because you would need a vig roster pf Digimons with unique gameplay and evolutions to mach the number pf player, but sounds pretty awesome to me

  14. coming from someone that grew up with digimon, i'd honestly just love a remaster of the old world games. the new world games aint it. the older ones are far better imo. it would bring me back to my roots if they just remade world.


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