Digimon Card Game Post-Ban BT15 Top 16 Deck Lists! TAK Games!

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TAK Games: https://www.tak-games.com.au/
THE LISTS: https://egmanevents.com/digi-bt15-format

Thanks for existing!! @TheEgman @DIGI-PANDA

00:00 Intro
06:15 MirageGaogamon
13:39 Shinegreymon
19:20 Numemon
22:10 Veemon Armor
27:28 Machinedramon
32:18 Leviamon X
37:42 Alphamon
41:50 Red Hybrid
45:38 MegaGargomon
49:15 Four Sovereign
56:55 Outro

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#digimontcg #digimoncardgame #bt15

Digimon Card Game / Digimon TCG Post-Ban BT15 + ST17 Top 16 Deck Lists, Event hosted by TAK Games


10 thoughts on “Digimon Card Game Post-Ban BT15 Top 16 Deck Lists! TAK Games!”

  1. Hey Risu, 16th place Mirage player responding,
    Thank you for covering our top 16 regional decks and giving us all a moment in the spotlight.

    I ran all 5 eggs cause I’m sick of running out of eggs against seccon and biting crush, hitting buka isn’t a must cause I can get jamming so many other ways such as modoki and lanamon.

    Ikaku is there cause machines and bwg is hard to play around due to protection. But if I’m able to strip their protection whilst getting to burst I can bounce their body and reset their board. Although if I can’t bounce everything I can atleast ensure I freeze a target. Came up multiple times plus, for example when I versed armour I stripped multiple sources so when I played deathx for free it board wiped.

    I prefer the syako floodgate as reduce digivolve is much better in my opinion cause Digimon that block memory usually get deleted or bounced before they get any mileage and many of my opponents cracked training forgetting I had syako on the field which cause them to pass turn and scoop.

    Lost to first place Deva as I wasn’t lucky enough to get the zudo aces I needed to bounce his bodies before he could overwhelm me and I lost to machines cause I fell for the most obvious mega gargomon ace 😂

    Again thank you for giving OCE a video and a moment in the spotlight.

  2. Just a couple Shine notes, I was really only swearing off Rize X in Ruin Turbo and even that deck I did end up adding it eventually. Also, I’m definitely not the pioneer of BT2 Shine but it is one of my favorite plays in the game! I like this topping list a lot, nice middle ground between Burst and Ruin 🙂

  3. This is a copy paste of someone else's comment in another video that some may want to know.

    1st place deva player actually lost to 3rd place in the final, but the judges retroactively changed the outcome of the final game after a deck check after the final round revealed that the 3rd place deva player had submitted his deck list incorrectly. So realistically the 3rd place was the winning decklist

  4. "1st" place Devas player here, great video and thank you for covering the event! As someone else also mentioned I did lose the finals to Marc Meathrel, but due to an unfortunate circumstance with the deck check he ended up getting a game loss and I would love for either the other comment or this one (probably not this one, it's very long and I'm sorry about that) or just any comment mentioning how much more Marc deserves to be recognized to be pinned (my OGW% probably would've gotten me 4th even).

    For some more deets on the event, we had 5 Devas players on the field, and 3 made it into top 8 for an insane conversion rate of 60%! I truly believe in the deck so it's very validating. There were FOUR of us in top 32 overall, shoutout to Lachlan Maclean as well. As you mentioned the current meta just lends well to the deck, it has an excellent matchup into Red Hybrid, Leviamon, any purple decks trying to get some cheap swings out of the purple Garurumon engine (including Melga itself), and a decent matchup into Numemon. It does have absolutely terrible matchups but they are just less likely to show up right now.

    I can speak to some card techs too, I know you brought up BT13 Mihiramon (tiger) during Marc's profile but in general the blue Devas in EX5 (rabbit, tiger, dragon) are all kind of terrible, the source strip is terribly slow on the rabbit and tiger and almost never impactful and the inheritable is also in conflict since gaining a memory would want to be the first thing you do, but swinging with the ACE is usually the last thing you would do on turn to lessen the risk of overflow. The dragon's effect is still fine so I kept it in mine, I found the BT6 inheritable too circumstantial and I valued it less than the EX5 on play effect. BT13 Mihiramon's inheritable is incredible, it makes going into Fanglongmon cost 3, and it also sort of pays for a Loyalty if you use Loyalty to tuck it under a Digimon and then stack the deck or unbrick the next draw. The On Play effect actually did come up in the finals match against me- since Marc was hatching and coming up with a rookie anyway, he lost nothing by hard playing the Mihiramon and stunning my Indramon for the turn which stopped me from going aggressive with Antylamon.

    For my own list, I was the only one playing playsets of any specific Deva. With a higher count of Devas and basically no techs (even cutting out one of the Fanglongmon summon as you noticed), I rarely had issues with having names to put in my breeding area so I prioritized maxing out on good cards I just wanted to see. My ideal first turn into any given game is to just play a black Deva, preferably Caturamon (who is a dog btw but I can understand the confusion), and place Antylamon in my breeding area to put on the pressure. Playing 4 of the Antyla and 10 of the black Devas (close to rookie ratios for any other deck) meant I saw it more often than not, and led to faster, easier games.

    On the Baihumon ACE, it is definitely perceived to be the worst ACE by most and I've even seen people play the old one from BT9 instead. It is sort of a high roll card and it basically did inform my decision to fit as many Devas into my deck as I could to get the most out of it, but in return it has always been an extremely high value card for me when it comes down. It's super versatile and actually way harder to highlight the benefits compared to the other ACEs, which may be why it's being slept on, but at the very least its On Deletion is better than Ebonwu's, and in the mirror or against any other cheeky deck with Mother D-Reaper, it doesn't get absorbed by Mother like Zhuqiao's highest DP would. On top of that, when you blast evo and get the effect, you will usually draw 2 cards overall to pick up crucial pieces for your following turn on top of having another body to pressure with.

    In some more specific scenarios, if I'm not drawing into my black Devas despite my high count, there's a good chance they're in security and going into Baihu will at least give me the chance to hit a blocker inheritable which can blast to save me on the next attack, giving me a line to stay in the game in some instances. It also combos extremely nicely with Gennai, where freeing up the breeding area and hitting an EX5 Deva will present 2 extra threats against the opponent immediately, when they thought they had cleared the board. This can be pivotal in matchups like Mirage, where it could even be beneficial to just hard play the Baihu which is marginally harder to remove, and then build up the board on their turn after they exhausted their cheap removal. Finally, in many common scenarios where the opponent's Digimon is presenting a threat of something like multiple security checks where I don't want to just block with my ACE, i.e. they have protection from my ACE's on deletion (Greymon), they have their own on deletions that threaten more combos or value (Red Hybrid), they have piercing, etc., Baihu is the only one that can actually get value off the aggression since they'll almost certainly hit a Deva off of multiple checks, and across multiple games this has gotten me the extra body I needed to safely secure lethal on the crackback. An extra scenario which was funny is during nationals where I was facing off against sec con in the final round for a top 32 spot, the fact that Baihu also stopped the security battle made it so that the opponent couldn't get their Salamons or MagnaAngemons deleted, so they couldn't recover or use Flame Hellscythe for maximum value.

    In the end though, I can't deny Marc's list was able to function at a top level even with all the techs that he put in, and they just so happened to all be impactful in the mirror match as well, with Merciful Mode leaving my Fanglong looking like an expensive paperweight, and DemiMeramon egg + more Analog Youths allowing him to get more value out of his own Fanglong much easier. I definitely had some poor gameplay in the finals as he was figuring out the mirror match just a bit faster when we were both unfamiliar with it, so I have no regrets about my deckbuilding. In my mind I know that I am still a 4th place player and still a challenger, so I'm looking to run it back in the next one. Hope you'll cover that too!

  5. 6th place Levia X player here,
    Thanks for covering the deck!

    About some of the deckbuilding choices for the list. The reason for not gabumon was because I considered it a liability in this meta especially when playing a digimon by effect is a liability in the mirror match. I never found it to come up much even in other match ups so it ended up getting cut for the rush guil.

    Regarding the 2/3 split of seventh and biting crush, Often times there wasn't really a point in having a 3rd seventh lightning and both removal options feel a bit awkward when they get stuck in the hand (More so for biting than seventh). There's also a lot of times where there isn't a good opportunity to biting crush either in some games (I thought about cutting it down to 2 but decided against it). I was on Tsuno (just the best egg for this kinda deck) and looking back pscyhemon didn't come up much (I did think about cutting it for a gotsu/pillo for the mirror but decided against it).

    Again thank you for the shoutout and doing OCE coverage.
    P.S. OCE doesn't get top 16 invites so that's a bit sad but the seralised Omni is very cool


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