Digimon Card Game BT16 Top 16 Deck Lists! Play!TCG NA JUNE Online Regionals!

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THE LISTS: https://egmanevents.com/digi-bt16-format

Thanks for watching! Let me know in the comments if I missed anything!

00:00 Numemon

1st Place Alexander Pham – Numemon
2nd Place Brennan Ringel – Yellow Vaccine
3rd Place Wes Matthews – Blue Flare
4th Place Austin Hummelgard – Numemon
5th Place Tyler Cyr – Numemon
6th Place Karl Vigilia – Numemon
7th Place Chirstian Apineru – Numemon
8th Place Mitchell Beyer – Numemon
9th Place Martin Lee – Ulforce
10th Place Matt Palase – Numemon
11th Place Joseph Carmusin – Mirage
12th Place Charles West – Magnamon X
13th Place Enrique Carballo – Numemon
14th Place Same Hernandez – Yellow Vaccine
15th Place Carlos Lujan Paez – Yellow Vaccine
16th Place Steven Nguyen – Mirage

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Digimon Card Game BT16 Top 16 Deck Lists! Play!TCG North American JUNE Online Regionals


20 thoughts on “Digimon Card Game BT16 Top 16 Deck Lists! Play!TCG NA JUNE Online Regionals!”

  1. 6th place here, idt you're going crazy in recognizing a lot of the names! We actually did meet at Nats after top cut, and there's a lot of recognizable people on this list 😅

    Side note-i played against 3 imperial and 2 numemons and pillomon did come up a ton to stop a lot of plays. Monzae x to drop pillo and delete a partition stack or a stack with nume x in it solidified a couple of games for me.

  2. So the reduce evo cost floodgate also affects the training cards. So it forces your opponent to pay full cost. Which is great into slowing down the climb for mirage and looga.

  3. 8th place here.
    Numemon is OP I was undefeated till round 8 with Hoang. It was a great time.
    I do have a video going over my list.
    I hope to see everyone at nationals.
    Thanks for making all the regional coverage Risu.

  4. People complaining about numemon when magna is the entire reason numemon runs wild, being one of the only two decks with a pretty good matchup into magna (other being mirage.)
    Nume knew they didn't have to worry about crimson blaze, devas, etc because those cards are terrible against magna. Magna being so busted means if you wanna win, there are only 3 decks to play this format; magna, numemon, and mirage.
    Magna is the problem, it is obvious if you're not illiterate about the game.

  5. I think the format will even out to something more diverse. Nume can still lose to vaccine, and vaccine has some adjustments it can make to "fix" their matchup.

    Martin Lee is a great example of making a deck work by thinking outside of the "big combo" a deck has, and focusing on different smaller plays that end in positive results.

  6. Carlos here! Cutemon was mainly for the mirage and looga matches. I really dislike kudamon because i find myself bot decking patamon a lot with it. I chose to go with another floodgate instead, and it secured one of my mirage matches for sure.

    Both of those decks hang in raising and play training cards hoping to make one big push. Cutemon helps mitigate that.

    The cutemon could definitely just be kuda to keep it simple though.

  7. I am the 10th place Nume! The deck was amazing and the no floodgates was not an issue for the day at all. I didn't care when I got deathx'd. My two losses were to Silphy and the 3rd BF. The deck did what I wanted to do and the only change I would do is switch one rb nume for a bt14 nume, and then switch the Toko to a tsuno egg. Other than that I was extremely happy and just wish I could have gotten that last little push into top 8

  8. CORRECTION: 12th Place Charles West’s was actually running 3 copys of bt13 magnamon and ONE copy of bt9 magnamonx. Had I not prioritized eating acorns over being a proper youtuber this wouldof been an interesting talking point for that section and im sorry.

  9. Hoang here! Hoang and Zero are two different people you got that lore correct. Tyler, Dan, and I were all playing the same 50 card list on purpose since we have been labbing for a couple weeks together. Thanks for the shoutout!

  10. Love your videos and appreciate everything you are doing. However, I think you have to play more of these decks cause some of the reasonings you are giving are completely wrong. For example, you cannot use Awakening on RapidX into MagnaX as RapidX is not an armor form in trait, can only work from the lv4s. Cutemons are vs the training boosts. A lot of people decreased the lv5 ratios to go straight to magnaX using the option. The megalo spark I assume is mainly used with angewomon ace to place on a magnax bc as soone as it passes to their turn, the 6k from WOMON and 8k from SPARK will just delete it and if they used an ace, it would possibily pass back the turn before their Start of turn.

  11. Thing about the Numemon stuff is their top end (lv5+) is some of if not the most powerful in the game. Not only does it have access to the single best form of removal in Monzae X, it has access to Venus, which screws over a lot of decks, a Yellow lv6 digimon that evolves for effectively 1, and multiple ruin mode-ish effects.

    Blue flare, as an example of a deck that does the same thing with Ukkomon, does not serve that great of a meta threat due to being much, much more counterable. Numemon has tools for basically every matchup, and with Magnamon invalidating the existence of decks that would otherwise control Nume, the results show.


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