[Diff-SVC Newcomer SonyaENG] Projectionist [+full diff-svc folder]

Training language: English
Songs for training by Voltaire
Training data: 25 min
Training time: ~24 h
Number of steps: 42.500
Vocal reference: Aurelio Voltaire (key +12)
Training properties: pretrain model: LIEE 44.1 kHZ
full diff-svc folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1s4vMPsT225XqVWygupRiH4x9N7UnwVOe?usp=share_link
You can resume training if the voice is liked! ^-^

Yesss I love Voltaire!!! Also I sound something like shota fr
Next is Rus – just like Sonya_JP yaaay


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