.diedlonely – analogue winter

.diedlonely // analogue winter

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45 thoughts on “.diedlonely – analogue winter”

  1. People say this is sad but for me it helps me cope with now helping me wrap my head around things a little bit with common sense understanding that there's more than being what most people are… like masculinity for example being seen as an unnecessary and pointless force that is a thing of the past and woke is the next best thing… but then you realize that toxicity of the mind isn't just as if saying something is just bad like drugs are poison of where it kills you by being bad… rather toxicity is when there's something too much present within that is bad for them… doesn't that mean that there's Toxic everything like the amount of being biased and only believing only one thing is true while the rest is lies or vice versa… sorry for drifting off and mammering on… I'll let you ponder now…

  2. The thought of someone who had chosen another someone else over me still lingers. One year relationship was just a dream. I gave my best to her. But in the end, I still wasnt good enough. This tune reminds me how this world is unfair and unjust. But we have to live with it.

  3. These type of sounds always have an indescribable, nostalgic feel to them. Makes you drift away in your imagination, thinking about indigo nights, azure nights, the humming of animals and insects, the stillness in the air, and different sites all around us, as we take in the atmosphere.

  4. Have you ever felt like you're being worn out from life and you just want to be in a lonely, foggy, melancholic place with a dreary weather where you can escape and spend your whole life thinking, pondering every single thing about life and yourself and the circumstances and despair in life pushes you to be even more lonely and high expactations that comes from your parents and others are making you feel sick and hopeless and you just wanna do your own thing without feeling desperate and you use your imagination to get away from this filthy, wretched, dreadful place


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