Did Tracks Solve our Pinch Row Problem?

Farm Website – borderviewfarms.com

Seed Business Website – xcelseeds.com

Merchandise – https://farmfocused.com/border-view-farms

Amazon Link – https://amzn.to/3tClXuq

Border View Farms is a mid-sized family farm that sits on the Ohio-Michigan border. My name is Nathan. I make and edit all of the videos posted here. I farm with my dad, Mark and uncle, Phil. Our part-time employee, Brock, also helps with the filming. 1980 was our first year in Waldron where our main farm is now. Since then we have grown the operation from just a couple hundred acres to over 3,000. Watch my 500th video for a history of our farm I filmed with my dad.

I started making these videos in the fall of 2019 as a way to help show what I do on a daily basis as a farmer. Agriculture is different from any other industry and I believe the more people that are showing their small piece of agriculture, helps to build our story. We face unique challenges and stressful situations but have some of the most rewarding payoffs in the end. I get to spend everyday doing what I love, raising my kids on the farm, and trying to push our farm to be better every year. I hope that I can address questions or concerns that you might have about farms and agriculture.

I hope you enjoy my content and ask questions as you have them. I do my best to answer anything I can. Thanks for watching!

I appreciate you subscribing to my channel and liking my videos. You can also find me on Facebook facebook.com/borderviewfarms and on Instagram @borderviewfarms

Mailing address
P.O. Box 321
Pioneer, OH 43554


42 thoughts on “Did Tracks Solve our Pinch Row Problem?”

  1. Question for you. If you could find a 12 row 3pt mounted planter that you could put between the tracks so you only have the 4 pinch rows do you think that would make a big difference?

  2. Thanks for the update on this, I was really interested to see how this one turned out. Keep up the good work, really appreciate the effort you put in to the in depth explanations of the agronomic side.

  3. Another great info video, Thanks . I just started harvest yesterday and my combine is black yield is great for the summer we had but can't see the head for dust, it's like i'm still combining soys.

  4. Thanks for the info. It would be nice to see what the results would be with LSW tractor tires. I know that it is not practical for you, but it would be nice to compare all the results. Then again,…..it would be nice to compare results from various planters also. Somebody just needs to step up with a 500 acre test plot to test all these variables. (Ha!Ha!)

  5. Your channel has become one of the most interesting channels I watch, not subscribed to Welkers and don’t plan to be. I just can’t watch an entire video of some channels or even a few minutes. I can’t stand Cole the corn flake. You, millenial and Brian, top 3.

  6. Whilst I find it pretty interesting about this debate and one small experiment about pinched rows and tyres versus tracks isn't the whole topic of whole farm soil compaction being somewhat ignored due to commercial pressures to use bigger, heavier kit in less than good soil conditions?
    Very, very few operators ever stop to alter tyre pressures according to load weights, tyre size, traction / load carrying requirements, soil and weather conditions , etc. despite extensive detailed research on this topic. Michelin (and other tyre manufacturers) have clearly addressed this issue but "the market" does not appear interested!

    I wonder what the yield impact might be to tramline the pinch row and delete it? In other crops it does not seem to harm yield as the rows either side of the deleted row have increased performance due to extra space and light.

    Is a controlled traffic approach to machine operation a possible answer or not with the vastly improved GPS guidance systems now available? The bed systems in use by growers for field scale vegetable crops are mighty interesting in my opinion.

  7. Nathan, if you get a chance to do a similar harvest test for compaction at Berkey this fall it may be beneficial to see if the results verify the data you just got at Waldron. Hope the wheat keeps getting some more growth before winter sets in.

  8. my ummm psyco, errr INNER (psycic) VOICE is mentioninining something about :

    TAR SPOT or the fungal spore'y attachment of the tar spot ''link''

    ….I don't kno, translates loosely to ''stuff that attaches it to plant'' ?? …hard to explain but something about the static charge releasing and the combine is the other charge… eh… ion'ically or something like that… wait molocaluralarry ? small little charges… eh…


  9. is the MACHINE SYNC an UNLOCK or not available for the monitor system in the older tractor and would require updateing to a gen4 or (WHATEVER GEN IS NEW or PRO VER snikker) hehehe sigh… 🙂

    how much is it WORTH if an UNLOCK?? 🙂 hehe pros vs cons ?? 🙂 I remember you talkin brefely about it and the other tractors like day or 2 after you got it all working down in berkley the first time… (thats the memory anyhow could be flawed) LOL but, HOW MUCH? ….BROCK HOW MUCH IS IT WERTH TO YOU TO ''UNLOCK'' the MACHINE SYNC FEATURE???? LOL

  10. Did you have your starter wagon behind the planter in test Area I thing that would defeat the purpose of the tracks those can be heavy big ammonia wagons pack too we all get some compaction combines and grain carts are probably the best roi on tracks shelling 256.8 bu corn @ 16.4 moisture Feild average today no irrigated planted with a 8r on wheels it all come down to the weather the good Lord gives us

  11. Appreciate your business and scientific approach to farming. Without the data and ability to analyze the outcomes your just guessing and that method generally doesn't pay off in the long run. Can you cost justify everything – No, but at least you will know why it doesn't have an immediate payback

  12. Just curious, did your dealer ever come thru with the cameras for the combine? I am assuming no as you haven't mentioned them, but I do like to let ya know I really do pay attention here,


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