Did THE DEVS mess up Security Breach? (Five Nights at Freddy's)

I see a lot of people upset with Steel Wool, and I wanted to investigate that topic and give my thoughts. So, here they are!”

AN INTERVIEW WITH STEEL WOOL STUDIOS [Dawko]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4Gax4uEW1E


MARKIPLIER: youtube.com/Mariplier
DAWKO: youtube.com/Dawko
SHESEZ: youtube.com/Shesez
EAZYSPEEZY: youtube.com/EazySpeezy
AMHarbinger: youtube.com/AMHarbinger
GTLive: https://www.youtube.com/GTLive

Channel art is from my favorite artist, SunnyClockwork. I’ve linked their DeviantArt page, as well as their artwork hub on the SCP Wiki below:


♫ Stickerbrush Symphony (DKC2) ♫

#securitybreach #fivenightsatfreddys #fnaf


21 thoughts on “Did THE DEVS mess up Security Breach? (Five Nights at Freddy's)”

  1. I consider Security Breach a flawed but very earnest attempt to evolve the series. Hopefully when they make the DLC or a new entry, they'll take what they learned from Security Breach and it's feedback.

  2. I did really like the game and I’m well aware that this series has been glitchy from the very beginning. I still feel like I needed one more rewrite to be a nice solid game but considering how much work they put into it and how small the team is it still pretty dang impressive! It’s not perfect but none of the Fnaf games have ever been perfect. Scott made the first one on a shoestring budget and it’s far from perfect so we shouldn’t expect phenomenal quality out of an indie game.

  3. N o . T h e y D I d N o t . They disappointed a lot of people, but not me. The bugs are so unbelievably horrible to the point where it's a literal Mona Lisa, Giga monty's army is the pinnacle of hilarious happy accidents. I love you security breach, you're absolutely wack in all the right places

  4. This was a good review. Playing on PS5, I didn't have NEARLY as many issues as PC players apparently had. Honestly, SteelWool and it's team are so lovable and respectable. Not only is their work impressive given their size, but they're genuine people who actually care about the series and fans, as opposed to the zombie devs over at Epic Games, Treyarch, etc. Although there are bugs, this game (especially the graphics and environment) is simply stunning. I have so many screenshots saved of the awesome locations throughout the map and seeing FNAF have full, well animated cutscenes is awesome! They may have been a bit too ambitious with this game as a whole, but there's no denying they absolutely nailed many parts of it imo. I enjoyed the heck out of this game and considering they'll take all the constructive criticism I bet, I can't wait to see what they bring us next with FNAF ❤️

  5. I understand all of this and I always have really, even though they should have hired more QA testers even if it meant going over budget. but what I still don't understand is what they did for the story.
    Vanny was set up to be the next big series antagonist, and she's literally nobody that you see twice in the game and has only one short sentence of meaningless dialogue.
    How did we go from her creepy yet comforting plotting in the trailers to just a goomba to walk past

  6. Maybe the future of Steel Wool Studios may rely on small teasers and no release date in sight to ease development. And to possibly create a new big bad. In a new environment. Maybe a FNaF game that took place after SB, years after that, where Gregory is hired as the night guard of the Fazbear Entertainment Storage Facility, housing multiple scrap and other equipment from every fazbear entertainment establishment. Even some familiar mascots, in a different state.

  7. I feel like them being an indie studio doesn't excuse the quality of the game considering the fact that "The Joy of Creation: Story Mode" was amazing and it was made by a mere 12 people, 5 of those people only helped, they weren't actively developing the game.

  8. FNAF has always been good at doing one single thing with its gameplay, and sometimes two, but never more than that. Security Breach, on the other hand, tries way too hard to be far too many things, and in the end it suffers because of it. It tries to be an open world that encourages open-ended exploration, and also a linear story-driven game with multiple endings, and also a stealth game prioritizing distractions and hiding mechanics, and also a horror game, and also a pseudo-resource management game, and also a game filled to the brim with secrets, and also a collection of mini games, and also an adventure game with cool set pieces. Not only is there absolutely nothing that ties these different genres, subgenres, and game types together, but even if there was it’s still trying to be way too many things at once.

  9. I find it ironic that many people are lamenting about how if they'd just delayed more, Steel Wool could've had more time to iron out these bugs and issues. Does no one remember when people were straight raging at the game being postponed at all? Like it's all good in theory for a highly anticipated game to be delayed, but in practice it's another story

  10. The issue i have with monty golf for instance is that its a hidden arcade instead of the actual course, the hidden gokart stuff that a modder made functional? Absolutely wasted. They should have in my opinion not caved into the community asking for it sooner if they want to make something actually fun and FULL. It feels like a concept of a video game not a game itself, and that tears me apart having had my hopes set sky high. I wish they just gave themselves more time and stopped letting the community breathe down their necks, theyre the game devs not the communitu

  11. i liked the game, allot of the bugs are kinda funny and goofy eventhough some are annoying. eventhough i wish they had just said ''sorry we cant release it yet'' and take a bit longer to iron out a bit more, i probably dont stand alone when i say that we would not have minded a longer wait if it ment atleast a smoothly running game. the storyline however was a mess especially when they added afton and all back in-

  12. Yeah this vid softened me to the game for all its issues and such. Its not that bad considering everything going on.
    In a way, its like getting a christmas gift of something you dont like, but you can tell the person tried to find something you'd enjoy. And that makes the gift all the sweeter.
    So, when all things considered, why be upset over a genuine attempt? This isnt Blizzard stuffing 50 lootboxes. This isnt EA reskinning the same game. The closest comparison is cyberpunk, but. I mean. There is genuine love and attempt here. They mightve fucked up, bit more than they could chew, didnt know how to handle things, but at the end of the day, they tried their best to deliver.

  13. NGL I saw your title and assumed you were jumping on the Bandwagon of "Steel Wool Studio made a Triple AAA Game, this is all on them" and was not going to tune in, but after watching it I am glad you see that it was honestly a combination of bad things that happen

    Steel Wool over compensation by being such a small studio. They really could of made something dope but just ran out of time and was afraid to do another delay, and had to make a choice. I get that they were so small and afraid of the backlash, but after seeing what they did with H.W. and C.oDB, and even the skeleton that is S.B. they definitely needed one more year to show what they could do, thus game has all the making of a great GoTY contender if they had time and iddnt worry about fanbase expectations which brings me to my next point

    Fans, We all know how fans are when it comes to FNAF, they can honestly be alot. And a bit after FNAFs S.B. was Delayed the first time it was tons of Negative Nancy's and Nick's complaing batching, hell even sending threats towards Steel Wool, then the second Delay happen around the same time as Scott's "Exposure" and they got even more heated. Those same fans are the same ones bitching about the glitches up mess, and would be the same ones bitching about if we had a third Delay, but would also be the same ones Praising a now 2022 version of Security Breach, it's like you said in the video, no matter what S.W wouldn't make everyone happy. I just wish they would of delayed it one last time. Sure we would of still had glitches but it wouldn't have been as bad and it would of pit more stuff inside the game to make ig a bit more fleshed out.

    Finally I think the whole Scott Controversy kind of put a stoppage on Security Breachs final development, Fans again went haywire when they found out who Scott donates to, which boggles my mind as a black man, because people did not care the other 8 years FNAF has been a staple in horror, I'm glad it isn't as big as a hot topic now as it was then, but I honestly believe Steel Wool just dropped S.B. so they wouldn't recieve tons of backlash for another Delay and being attached to Scott's name, which in return kind of gave us this mess

  14. I feel like the game was toned down too in some areas. This was supposed to be a horror game, and it just isn't scary. I remember in the trailers that Vanny had a knife, and in game she doesn't… as well as a bunch of other things too.

    The gritty realism of the Scott era worked way better with the story he was trying to tell than the more cartoonish look the Steel Wool games have. It's only a small part, but it does so much for a game.

  15. This game has ALOT of potential like ALOT. the idea of a FNAF-themed MEGAPLEX itself is alread amazing and full of potential!, imagine a day version of this game!!, full of people! kids! animatronics doing their jobs!!!


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