Did the Anunaki Create Humanity? #anunaki #genesis #god

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38 thoughts on “Did the Anunaki Create Humanity? #anunaki #genesis #god”

  1. Jesus was just an enlighened holy man he was turned into the son of god to absorb the gentile and bedoin tribes in or around 325 a.d. you dont know chit about the real story you get your version. From king jim the jesus image yoiu worship is a borgia and he was one of the most evil pieces of chit that ever lived your religion has been corrupt since the council of nicea in 328 a.d. hell wasnt even in the original version and reincarnation was so just stfu dude

  2. Yeah uh, the bible verse 5.2 of 6.7 of the hidden book titled "the salamander stole my socks". States that my left testicle created America on the 8th day. God was too busy dealing with a wicked hangover from that sick party he had on the 7th and needed someone to help out … so I declare that starting from next Tuesday all Americans must pay me a tithe of 1 pencil, 1 bolt and a felt patch.

  3. People want to reach and spout nonsense about the Bible and they haven’t even learned how to use English properly
    Never read the Bible but some how they are experts in everything biblical because they watched a bunch of YouTube video created by AI 😂😂😂

  4. Maturity? Open mindness goes a long way towards enlightenment. BUT 2 b enlightened u must demonstrate t ability. 2 b in pursuit of enlightenment u must b open — 2 take it all in. Weighing is a CHOICE of enlightenment. As human individuals we ALL make choices; but is it t right 1? Can't tell until t choice is made. But don't hold back. Learn fm them,… enlightenment in t making. PottsvillePA_11302023.🤓

  5. Hey! Let me have that guy’s contact details! How have we missed the true significance of that verse for so long? He’s a whole new level of Spirit Mastery to uncover such a vital secret at this key moment in cosmic and karmic unfolding. I want to sit at his feet and learn new wisdom…

  6. My supervisor at work is a materialist so he believes in only the natural, and not the supernatural realm, he believes in the annunaki ancient aliens story. Apparently the is a 6hr long YT video on it, based off of some book written by "one of the annunaki"

  7. He never zaid that the bible said annunaki created humans you sre completly changing what he said, he most probably wanted to tell that There is elohim insetad of eloa or something like that which means most likely humans are anothers beings test tube creation

  8. Although I agree with you, it's not a very good argument to the people who disagree with you to say things like "there's a biblical scholar alive who says ___", it's honestly a pretty flimsy appeal to authority

  9. It never ceases to amaze me that people will believe any nonsense, except the clear written word of God. It’s better for these people to be complete atheist heathens then believe all of the erroneous conspiracy theories about the Bible

  10. Once again, when Genesis 1 says God created man in his own image the strongs concordance word used to describe God is listed below as plural.
    Hebrew: אלהים
    Transliteration: 'ĕlôhîym
    Pronunciation: el-o-heem'
    Definition: Plural of H433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural {thus} especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative: – {angels} X {exceeding} God (gods) ({-dess} {-ly}) X (very) {great} {judges} X mighty.
    KJV Usage: God (2,346x), god (244x), judge (5x), GOD (1x), goddess (2x), great (2x), mighty (2x), angels (1x), exceeding (1x

  11. No biblicar scholar would, because they already have a bias. You are basically saying its not true because you believe in the bible, thats not an objective opinion. Thats a subjective one. You can respectfully entertain the idea of another belief system without mocking it. Unless it's islam.


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