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  1. Less is more…. StarCraft's Zerg units/characters, without all that portruding smooth bones and carapace look more menacing than the modern Tyranid counterpart. Even the basic slug Abathur got a certain depth of presence.

  2. 8:53 "that is a wall of Terror!" i mean, i guess if a tyranid is running at you with it's meat out and grinning ear to ear, yea you probably would be terrified XD

    i agree, they should bring back the barbed wire look for the tyranids, i don't mind the smoother look for the psychic nids (except the norn assimilator and emissary those look dumb as hell), but the other ones should get the barbed wire treatment back. sadly GW would gouge out our wallets then give us anything equal to what we pay for.

  3. is the norn assimilator an unwanted child? The Norn assimilator didn't show up in its own trailer or have its own trailer as well as the final round-up trailer where the whole family poses for a picture, it isn't mentioned anywhere in the trailer. The flesh hooks on the assimilator look terrible.

  4. "Vestigial Lumps" The moment they said that, I knew they had no idea what they were talking about. Nothing on a Tyranid is vestigial. Each individual bioform is engineered down to the last cell to be flawlessly designed for their role on the battlefield.

  5. Not sure what the complaint is here, do any of the older Tyranid models have these jagged surfaces your talking about? Showing the 2D Illustrations doesn't help, drawing isn't the same as printing models.

    With sculptures, you tend to have areas that are simple to highlight the more complex parts, which is the smooth tail in this case. The carapace is over the top, yes, but I think that's because it's a hive Tyrant. It's suppose to be vulgar in that regard, though it could use a bit more refinement.

    Also…goofy VO does not a bad logic make.

  6. Totally agree with the comparison to 3rd edition, the new models look like Godzilla monsters not Alien Zenomorphs. The new models are also going to be afwul to paint whereas the older models were a pain but they still weren't too ridiculous

  7. So many different kind of bugs they could have done. Nah, we will just +20% a hive tyrant. I will not be buying the new garbage. I'll find ways to kick your butt using the well designed minis ty.

  8. Yeah, the new Tyranids are too busy in the wrong way I think, but double-bad for the 'eavy Metal team not giving them a paint scheme that shows them off in the best way. 'HiVe FlEeT lEvItHaN!!' and all that but the point of the marketing paint team's job is to sell models, and the old Leviathan scheme is ass on the new minis. The too-busy-wrong-busy thing makes painters work harder to make these not look like generic insectoid turds.

  9. Why is the old artwork that's shown off the most as an example the one that's a sea of tyranids, to the point that it is hard telling wtf you're looking at.

    Yes, that is the nid vibe vibe, but it is terrible for showing off what the new designs should be like.

    Also, wouldn't putting more spikes on them make the designs even MORE busy than they are now? Plus make them harder to paint?

    … What I got from this is that they're both too busy and not wild enough?… I am confused.

  10. The only worth in the new tyranid are deathleeper and lictors. Have such a cuthulian style. The rest is just shit. Also termagunts went from 12 per pack down to 10, and the same prize. Also, i am waiting for shrikes. When will the shrikes come without having to spend 20 hours creating a single decent wing from greenstuff. Though the new large model has potential, if you have tons of free time to make it look decent(chop away 60% of the top, then move stuff around, recomend a heatgun and few carnifex boxes for extra armour)

  11. Imp army: there standing there menacingly
    New Tyranid high fleet: I hope I dont trip by my first stepts by my poorly disigned features, who are just there to look good😂❤


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