Did Deion Sanders overstep with Shedeur, Travis Hunter NFL draft remarks? | Brother From Another

Michael Smith shares why he doesn’t mind Deion Sanders’ comments “calling his shot” for Shedeur Sanders and Travis Hunter’s 2025 NFL Draft landing spots, while Michael Holley would like to hear from Shedeur himself. #NBCSports #BrotherFromAnother #DeionSanders
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Did Deion Sanders overstep with Shedeur, Travis Hunter NFL draft remarks? | Brother From Another


42 thoughts on “Did Deion Sanders overstep with Shedeur, Travis Hunter NFL draft remarks? | Brother From Another”

  1. The few players that have done this has become great players. But if these two bust, it will kill it for future players to pull this off. Better get it right. Or you fucked over future young men

  2. If shadeur and hunter allow their daddy to dictate their decisions they will have the biggest target on their backs as the biggest beta males and softest boys. How about going to a down and out franchise and building glory from the bottom up. That’s a true great, a true leader

  3. This is a tricky situation. Deion has experienced this over 30 years ago. At that time NFL teams were owned by Used Car Salesmen and a few Oilmen. Even if you use the Mannings the NFL was run differently. Now it’s a Billionaires game and optics are important to them. I’m not sure they will bend to Deion & company. Jerry Jones or Arthur Blank may see the benefit to bringing them in. But I still think that’s a long shot. This will be interesting stuff to watch🏈

  4. A wise man once said nothing at all. Why did the comment have to be made at all? The NFL Draft is highly unpredictable more often than not. Why say this at all, though? Let the play on the field speak, let not throw mud in the water.

  5. First thing First Deion need to worry about trying to win at least 8 to 9 games which I’m hoping he will to be invite to a Bowl Game ,if they have the year they had last year his comment abut his 2 players won’t happen regardless of how good they are

  6. I don’t see Coach Prime hyping up any of his other draft eligible players 🤷🏾‍♂️ but he’s making sure his sons and Travis Hunter are gonna go where he wants him to go

  7. Travis advisers need to keep him away from slime. He is trying to milk travis for all he's worth, He paid a billion but he's gonna get more of that back because he's going to try to influence his career which I believe is a horrible mistake. I don't care who he says he knows like that.'s some type of selling point?

  8. Deion is being a parent that knows how to play the game. He is not the first one to do this and he won’t be the last. Smart man and his sons are fortunate to have such an advocate!

  9. The weirdest thing about this situation is ppl acting like Deion is a regular parent concerned about where his kids are going the dude litterally has a gold jacket and decades of relationships with ppl from the front office to the players you don’t think he knows what situation is best for his kids ? you don’t think the head ppl are reaching out to him to speak about Travis and shedeur if Deion said this he spoke with ppl in the front office already these things have been done before with other players this era is so sensitive and weird ppl make the most out of anyone speaking their mind and mind you he’s speaking on HIS kids not anyone else’s to think your opinion would matter is hilarious keep hating they will keep winning on and off the field 😂💯

  10. The NFL doesn’t need either of them. Deion gonna cause then to go undrafted. Manning and Elway, have the complexion for protection. The media and the league are gonna check them watch…

  11. Not Mike but this other guy who is talking he needs to stop playing Devil's Advocate is there understanding that he's a black man he needs to understand the black man to go to take care of their children regardless of what and the fact that he doesn't realize that and playing the other side like he doesn't understand what it's like to be a father then that's his bad and also one more thing they're going to probably win the Big 12 and go on to the playoffs their team is amazing he hasn't been doing his homework apparently so let's keep it fair let's keep it real that dude is probably never play sports besides Pop Warner and youth sports when he was 8 years old so stop it he's a Hall of Famer and he knows exactly what he needs to do to get his children where he needs to go he needs to stop this guy I don't know what his name is but he needs to be off TV

  12. Coach Sanders is addictive to speaking. He is no different than LaVar Ball in some cases. However Coach Sanders does not believe in not over speaking claiming that he’s to “honest” Wisdom will detect a time to speak and a time to be silent. He thinks being silent will drop his attention stock.

  13. the fake laugh after the layaway comment is AWFUL – DAMN dude is certified lame. The nfl is no longer an attraction as the players do not participate and compete anymore. He said everyone wins…..does he not remember AARON RODGERS; plenty of players LOST on draft day. This clown sucks. Youtube has given fanboys a voice. Thank GOd he is sitting down and talking, cuz GOD FORBID the man tried to stand up, we would have a medical EMERGENCY ….. given that he standing up without a backbone can be extremely dangerous.

  14. can the fool on the right, the white guy, stop interrupting the black man on the left of the screen. He let him talk (even though it was nonsense) and he was dead quiet. This guy can't stop interrupting with that white guy forced laugh. He' s a weak youtube partner. He has no understanding of advanced conversation by the 10 minute mark I counted at least 8 interruptions…..8 interruptions damn LET THE MAN FINISH HIS SENTENCE YOU NEANDERTHAL..

  15. I can assure you, even without winning another game, Prime's boys will have their way. Even without the wins, let's look at the NUMBERS they bring to the table. Numbers wise, they have EXCEEDED the hype! Do we understand parenting here? EVERY parent wants to pave the way for their child no matter the profession. What's disgusting is the LARGE number of black men that COMPLAIN about the systems in this country yet STILL COMPLAIN about a black man making hedgeway for his son to be successful in this same system. Why can't we CELEBRATE having a DIRECT LINE to the NFL? Always remember, this is NOT Primes first time around this block. HE KNOWS what's ahead; the good, the bad AND the ugly. Why not look out for his boys? Truthfully, I believe Prime's fathering is triggering for many who lack fathering skills and/or a father period. #OverstepHow

  16. A Bowl Game was not the expectation of anyone besides Colorado's athletic program. Holley, don't act like the "Business" of the NFL will look past drafting star power talent.


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