Did Brian Gutekunst Fail the Packers?

The Packers are in a bit of a precarious position, and a position they aren’t very familiar with. They missed the playoffs, are consistently and desperately trying to free salary cap space, and for the first time in 30+ years may not have a hall-of-fame quarterback to lead their franchise. So how did we get to this point, what went wrong, and is Brian Gutekunst to blame for the current situation? I discuss today.

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35 thoughts on “Did Brian Gutekunst Fail the Packers?”

  1. Other than RBs and some offensive lineman, Gute can’t hit on a 3rd round through 7th round draft pick, which is horrible. If we could actually hit on a 3rd/4th round player that would help. Amari Rodgers over Amon-Ra in 2021..enough said. So many other examples.

  2. Before I even start the video, absolutely yes. You traded up to get your handpicked guy in the 1st round. Then the guy you drafted Jordan to replace played out of his mind for 2 seasons and instead of taking that momentum and capitalizing on his incredible trade value to build around Jordan and build the packers for the future and save millions to bring in depth and fill needs, you sign Aaron to a 3 year extension and completely knee capped us. 12 had an awful year, now we’re only getting one cheap year of Jordan’s contract and two years to see what the kids got instead of 3, we’re in cap hell, we’re picking in the middle of the first round and have no extra draft capital from last year or this year draft because gutey panicked and put was best for his job security over what was best for 1265. Just in that one decision alone he failed us, putting aside his inability to draft very well, his handling of the Davante situation and others

  3. Great analysis as usual. One thing I think that isn't talked about enough is whether or not the Packers organization would prefer a Super Bowl victory followed by a full on rebuild vs consistent average-above average rosters that are good enough to frequently make the playoffs but not good enough to win a Super Bowl. I think because of Green Bay's unique ownership structure combined with how much of the city's financial well-being is tied to the team the organization is incentivized to not go "all-in" for a Super Bowl run. They also want to avoid completely blowing things up and unloading assets for future picks at the expense of having several back to back losing seasons. So instead you get what we have had for the last decade, which is really disheartening as a fan.

  4. The issue I have with the Adams trade was that it didnt happen in a vacuum. There was a long build up to it. Gutey had the previous 2 seasons to try to iron out an extension and drug it out to the 11th hour and "tried" to match Vegas' offer which was a blatant attempt to say "Sorry Packer fans, we tried". The last 5-6 seasons has just been a colossal waste of Rodgers prime.

  5. MAYBE Rogers wants 2 join the 49ers another viable option not strong push post season WISE UNREALISTIC with jets AND THIER O-LINE WONKY plus so many like 7 plus good QBS IN AFC.. ROGERS Super bowl dreams are more PLUASIBLE in the NFC.. LOOKS LIKE MAYBE HE WANTS 2B A HIRE GUN INSTEAD CHOOSING NOW AS 2B A FULL COMMITMENT

  6. Gutey, for all his positives, failed when he drafted Love instead of more weapons for Rodgers.

    I'm a Packer fan through and through, and I hope Love is THAT guy, but considering how close ARod and the Pack were to a super bowl, it's hard to envision what could have been if gutey gave Rodgers more weapons.

  7. They should have invested in the offense before they traded Davonte. They pretty much neglected offense since they released Jordy. Yes the Packers put up good number with Rodgers and Adams, but they are arguably the best 2 players at their position. Watson and Doubs are promising, but too little, too late. Idk how nobody notices that an offense going stagnant in the playoffs is a red flag. They also didn't bother looking into Special Teams after they bounced us a few times from the playoffs until this past year. I wouldn't be surprised if we went defense in the first round yet again, but I think they could finally go offense now that they have an idea that this offense isn't very good.

    1st Round picks since Rodgers (yes before Gute as well, so it reflects on the Packers org as a whole):
    2005: Aaron Rodgers – OFFENSE
    2006: AJ Hawk
    2007: Justin Harrel
    2008: —
    2009: B.J Raji
    Clay Matthews
    2010: Bryan Bulaga – OFFENSE
    2011: Derek Sherrod – OFFENSE
    2012: Nick Perry
    2013: Datone Jones
    2014: Ha-Ha Clinton-Dix
    2015: Damarious Randall
    2016: Kenny Clark
    2017: —
    2018: Jaire Alexander
    2019: Rashan Gary
    Darnell Savage
    2020: Jordan Love – OFFENSE
    2021: Eric Stokes
    2022: Quay Walker
    Davonte Wyatt
    2023: Potential defensive player?

    That's 4 offensive players in the 1st round, including a replacement for the 1st offensive pick in 18 years, and somehow defensive is considered our weakness every year. That is a failure of the organization.

    If Rodgers is traded, Love struggles, and Rodgers goes deep into the playoffs, the whole organization has to be on the hot seat this year.

  8. Fair and thorough critique. 2020 was the killer. I firmly believe they win a ring that year if Bakhtiari doesn’t tear his ACL. The biggest issue we had against the Bucs was the edge rush. A healthy Bakhtiari and Turner on his stronger right side is almost certainly the difference in that game. But the same can be said about Gute had he made one fewer mistake / got one more move right. That might have got us a ring in spite of Bakhtiari’s injury.

    Separately, reading through the comments you’d think the Packers had averaged 4 wins a year since Gute took over as GM.

  9. Yes. Been mediocre in the draft, average hitting % at best. We need better in GB, given it must primarily be draft&develop since good free agents don't come to GB unless they overpay.

  10. You make it sound like Love was a strategic plan, he wasn't even their first or second choice in that draft…funny people think this. Jefferson was first, Aiyuk was second Love was an after thought. The one and only reason for the contract ŵas no confidence in Love…period. The Adams move was because they failed to extend him in 2020…period. It pissed him off. The bad moves go on and on. Pack FO is dysfunctional if for the Rodgers contract alone.

  11. After Ron Wolf left , from TT too BG has failed the Packers. It is nice too have winning seasons, but that is not goal. The Packers should have been in a least two more SBs , but TT and BG never made the big moves they should have. Packers need a GM that will be very aggressive when you need to be.

  12. Simple answer is YES.

    Start a pissing match with an MVP quarterback, then deprive him of receivers and the means to win. 2021 should have been Gutekunst last year. Instead, we get to watch him finish off his destruction of a once great team. All because of his over-inflated ego. 😢

  13. Gute looks like a complete ass now. His behavior cannot be defended. How can other players have trust in him forward? Pack fans should call for his removal. 35 years in management, 25 as CEO he would be gone. This is the standard corporate back stab. He is on record saying Rodgers was told no timeline which backs Rodgers story.


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