Dick Masterson & Vito Gesualdi – The Biggest Problem in The Universe | Episode #84 | Low Value Mail

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21 thoughts on “Dick Masterson & Vito Gesualdi – The Biggest Problem in The Universe | Episode #84 | Low Value Mail”

  1. The Tony guy is such a little bitch. The epitome of leftist brain to say "well I can't be a multi-millionare so I might as well not even try" "well I can't marry a virgin supermodel who listens to my schizophrenic rantings and lives within walking distance of me so I might as well not even try"

    Ironically he needs the first guy's advice. Join the porn industry. Live like a burnout and spend all your money on stupid shit.

  2. Eric July's employee calls in and his favorite part of Isom is checks notes the culture war that the book represents. Got it. Try cracking open that book that you paid $60 for (not the ad in the middle for his wife's jewlery, the actual, first-draft that he, for some reason, published.)

  3. This is the only episode I’ve watched all the way through. I used to watch Dick when he started Biggest Problem with Maddox, watched throughout the Hot Goss saga and eventually tapered off because the show’s length was too long and I had other stuff to watch. I forgot how funny he was. Love seeing my fave (Danny/Boyscast) podcast realm unite with my old favourite podcast ❤️.

  4. Teaching her to crochet is genius actually, she'll spend three weeks making something the size of a napkin to hang up, you know how much stuff a woman could buy and hang up in three weeks?


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