Diablo 4 DEVELOPER UPDATE Season 2 Fixes, Mounts, Storage, Dungeon Changes : Feedback Suggestions

diablo4 #diabloiv #diablopartner Diablo 4 Season 1 Best Malignant Hearts For All Classes Endgame …


14 thoughts on “Diablo 4 DEVELOPER UPDATE Season 2 Fixes, Mounts, Storage, Dungeon Changes : Feedback Suggestions”

  1. Bro yapped for damn near 20 minutes and said almost nothing. Thats pretty impressive. This could have been a 5 minute video. Highlight points, say a few words and move on bro. Jesus christ.

  2. They need to keep the malignant hearts, and every season have them change to a different affect so that it doesn’t get stale. Also, they need to make sure if they keep the hearts that they’re not overpowered like they were in season one. They need to be scaled back so that promotes bill diversity and it’s not game changing to have that heart.

  3. They better fix the paragon board, i hate having to remove each thing just to respec. Nerf the hell out of enchanting prices too. Why are we even paying to respec if we earned all those points leveling sheesh

  4. Blizzard's ignorance of the actual gaming community is hard to understand. Especially seeing how this is the 4th Diablo game. Will see how the nerfs actually affect the game but looks like I'm out of here next season.


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