DEVELOPING: Young Mother Confesses To Fatally Stabbing Her 3-Year-Old Child In North Miami Beach

A young mother has been arrested and charged after she allegedly confessed to killing her 3-year-old daughter in their North Miami Beach home early Tuesday, court documents show.


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48 thoughts on “DEVELOPING: Young Mother Confesses To Fatally Stabbing Her 3-Year-Old Child In North Miami Beach”

  1. Folks have loss their minds.
    Terrible horrible beyond insanity.
    Bible 2 Timothy chapter 3 , explains for told events like this. It's still hard to prepare yourself such Demonic behavior.

  2. Yep people are pro life? They don't want the mother to abort before it breaths air. But omg are shocked when parents kill their toddle?! Guns have killed 6,000 kids. Thoughts and prayers …no one cares children, sorry

  3. Everyone bad commenting, but not one thought how Americans should have access to the help they need instead being locked up behind closed doors ALL THE WHILE LETTING MILLIONS OF ILLEGALS CROSS OUR BORDERS and allowing all the health and housing they need forcing it on taxpayers!
    It is astonishing this madness not a daily occurance!!

  4. Sad.

    Women are nurtured beings.
    Can create life.
    Can bring words to life within a man.

    But masculinity mixed with vanities
    And self indulgence have corrupted
    American women.

    This is what happens.
    A mother so selfish she kills her child
    For what?
    Peace? Tranquility? Quietness?
    Or to hurt her baby daddy?

    Most American women are corrupted
    And brainwashed. Demons

    She got so caught up she didn't think
    What would happen to her when she goes to jail. With other demons.

    Now she created Hell on earth for herself.

    Suffer n burn in hell for all eternity

  5. Where oh where to start, what are the advantages to a relationship with a woman these days? Well …. let's start with the risks and disadvantages and see what's left.

    Until recently and in some states still is legal.

    1. To murder your own unborn son or daughter without your consent. (up to the time of birth in some states)

    2. No fathers rights unless your married ( which 50% of the U.S. population is single)

    3. If you go to court you are almost sure to lose since A you have no rights and B the courts nearly always side with the mother.

    4. If you are married they will take half if not more than all your possesions and you might get to see your children once or twice a month, depending on what the courts say.

    5. Even if you don't get to see your children you may very well still have to pay for them until they reach the age of 18 years old.

    I could continue but now let's talk about the advantages.

    I'll have to get back to you.

  6. Let's face it, they are going to lock her up with her own kind, 9 out of 10 women in prison I'm quite sure has had atleast one abortion more than likely and taken another's life….their own child's life. And people really ask with a straight face how things got as bad as they are in this society…….I just can't imagine why.

  7. i think we should have to be approved to have kids …maybe it will lower the chances of child abuse …. like the government needs to do something about this cause this happens a lot

  8. To any mom's out there who are thinking of doing the same or probably have a psychotic break and fell there child's are in danger. Please, take them for the nearest adoption center, relative, firefighters dep, or anyone who will take that child in an instant. Killing is the devil's way in. Be humane and give them up


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