Devastation – The Final Chapter Begins! | Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition Part 1

Hey darlings, welcome to my first playthrough of Mass Effect 3! Our story kicks off with a catastrophic Reaper invasion of Earth. Commander Shepard rushes through a daring escape with Admiral Anderson as everything crumbles around her. Once off world, Admiral Hackett sends Shepard to Mars to find Liara Tā€™Soni, who has access to Prothean data that could save the galaxy. With our first mission complete and reunited with some former crewmates, we head to the Citadel to plead with the council to send help to the people of Earth.

0:00 Intro / Character Import
3:51 Prologue: Earth
12:37 Run.
30:07 Speccing Out the Squad
36:20 Priority: Mars
51:09 Racing to the Archives with Kaiden and Liara
1:19:00 Conversation with an Old Fiend
1:32:45 Back to the Citadel
1:47:11 Persuading the Council

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38 thoughts on “Devastation – The Final Chapter Begins! | Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition Part 1”

  1. Power combos are more potent in this game.. Freeze em then burn em.. Burn em then zap em.. You get the gist. Also some biotic powers set up explosions and others detonate them. You'll figure out which, just look for the blue glow.

  2. I remember thinking those 'asteroids' were more reapers showing up,, when I realised it was fleet debris burning up along with that music.. Right in the feels

  3. I told you, and I was serious before, be ready to cry and have your heartstrings pulled in this one. It when you play the Citadel dlcā€¦it is all worth it towards the end of the game. Itā€™s recommended to delay until the last moment to experience all it has to offer.

    (Spoiler: (not really)) you will laugh your ass off in parts of the Citadel dlc.

  4. YASS! I love seeing your joy at the explosive powers, your emotions at the deep story beats, and I know this is going to be a RIDE! BOOP!
    – Sidenote: Freddie Prinze Jr is so good as James! He does a great job with both the gruff and the fun sides. Props to Mr Buffy šŸ™Œ

  5. INTRO: You're so exited! No, I'm so excited to see your excitement turn into all these emotions to be experienced in the first 90 mins of gameplay.
    48: Both the tutorial AND Liara telling you what to do (to teach you use her singularity in a typical situation where it's best called for) so…"Oh, no! what can I do? Can I charge them?"
    1h:12 "kaiden is refusing to hear what I am saying"… Yeah, sort of… But just you wait till you see a greatest example of refusal to hear and see facts in this game… šŸ˜€ Oohh can't wait to see you see that.
    1h:50 Remember how Ashley said she believed when push came to shove we'd be for the council races like the dog you sacrifice when a bear attacks you? Was she racist or was she right?
    PS. If I may give a piece of advice: Cerberus Harrier. You'll know.

  6. 'Councilor' Udina? Didn't you establish Anderson as Earth's Councilor in ME1? Wasn't he also the Councilor in ME2?
    Also, didja get a good look at those gross 'Cannibals'? What are those things?

  7. Can I has cumb of ammo. The reason the reporter sounded familiar is that she is voiced by Jessica Chabot. When you get to maximizing out powers especially biotic powers choose the option to detonate another ability, for example if you use singularity you can have something like warp to detonate it or vice-versa it will cause more damage not only to the enemy that has been primed but also to other near by enemies as well.

  8. Just to clarify, since the game doesnā€™t really spell it out for you and you seemed unsure, Shepard was on Earth for approx. six months. She was stripped of her military rank (hence her comment that James shouldnā€™t call her commander and Anderson reinstating her when she left) and was ā€œunder house arrestā€ as in restricted to Alliance command instead of being imprisoned (for, you know, genocide) Because of her ā€œhouse arrestā€ she wasnā€™t allowed to leave Earth or even contact anyone outside of the Alliance (hence why she has lost contact with all of her squadmates)

  9. They put new guns in this one just like every game so don't let them go to waste. Missions will give old and new guns to be picked up and if you miss them you will have to buy them in the stores. Extra power for Vanguard should be Carnage or a power that you see one of an Asari use. Hope you go to Edin Prime first you will be happy if you do. The stores have the Veniom and the Bloodpack Punisher. They are cheap but probably the two best guns in the game series as I can use just those two for the whole game if I wanted to. N7 weapons are a little underwhelming to me except the Valkyrie. They brought ultralight materials from the first game so buy them when you can. Use your powers. Have fun.

  10. It's funny that you mention the chemistry. Ali Hillis and Jen Hale have similar chemistry in person. The 2 actors are very much like Shepard and Liara when they're in a room together. It's very sweet and kinda funny. You'd wonder if they were really a couple.

    Fun aside: BioWare has a proprietary voice recording system they use for their games. It allows most of the actors to hear recordings of the dialogue they're responding to when doing their lines (this is unusual in the video game industry), but the benefit sort of flows downhill. Jen Hale and Mark Meer, being Shepard, usually recorded first, so they mostly didn't have recordings to listen to. Shepard sets the tone, and the rest react to Shepard. It's part of why the conversations sound natural: the actors get to hear the delivery of the line they're replying to. The fun part is that Ali Hillis likes to make it a point to tell people, particularly Mark Meer, that when she was recording Liara's dialogue, she mostly listened to Femshep, especially for the spicy bits. Mark's reply to this is that his wife is fine with that arrangement.

  11. Try to ignore all the people recommending you do specific things in a specific order. Your first playthrough should be blind, not optimal. It's a video game, not a grocery list. ā¤

  12. Canā€™t wait to see how you react to some of the more personally involved decisions in this game. Based on your previous videos, thereā€™s a few that I think might get the tears flowing.

    Also, a spoiler free tip for the dlc sections: doing most of them early is good because they unlock equipment and bonus powers (Flare is basically a biotic nukešŸ˜ˆ), but save the one that starts in the citadel apartments as long as possible. Thereā€™s a lot of people that can be involved, as long as youā€™ve already met them.

  13. Illusive Man: Dispose of him
    Dr. Eva: *slams Kaidans head against shuttle
    Me: Mashed "Potatoes" anyone šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
    You're in for a wild ride. No spoiling, but with the Quarian and Geth conflict, be careful which the missions in or it'll end tragically

  14. LUCYUS!!! So just a couple of pointers for your best experience:
    1) When characters are talking, stop walking and just listen otherwise you could miss out on good dialogue
    2) Sometimes NPCs will talk and then stop part of the story. Leave the area and come back in order to hear the rest.
    3) Have fun!!!

  15. I have played a lot of fantastic story driven games, but ME3 is still the only one that brought me to literal tears (not because of the ending). You're in for an emotional roller coaster Lucy but it is absolutely worth it!

  16. Dear Lulu, I like your attitude so much! The great enemy is here, wasting countless lives, destroying the homeworld and punching the nerves all together and it is sooooo rude! You're the best, girl. I'll stay with you on this. To the very end!

  17. I couldnā€™t wait and ended up watching the stream šŸ˜‚ GOD the INTRO.

    Remember when I was fangirling over the intro to the second game? I did that with a wicked grin on my face knowing this one was even better. The song is called ā€œLeaving Earthā€ and I strongly recommend giving it a listen without the visuals, just to appreciate how freaking good it is. That opening really sets a fantastic tone. I think having that kid die was a good way to do for the player what Mordin did using his nephew in ME2: remind you that this fight isnā€™t just statistics, isnā€™t just the concept of the greater good or the promise of a future. Itā€™s peopleā€™s lives. LIVES. It was a great way to rehumanize the conflict and get your head into the story.

    Also idk how itā€™ll be for vanguards but I know that this one is crazy difficult for Infiltrators. At least it was for me, I barely died in ME 1 and 2 but I was saving every few minutes in this one bc I was dying left and right. Still my favorite one tho šŸ˜‚ Also the heavy melee for the infiltrator is soooo cool itā€™s a blade attached to your Omni-tool

    Also to be ENTIRELY FAIR to Kaidenā€¦ Miranda did admit to your face that she wanted to put a control chip in you. Take that, combine it with their other ridiculously inhumane and intricate, crazy experimentsā€¦ the worry that they brought back a fake or brainwashed Shepard for their own gain an is extremely reasonable one. At least in my opinion. I know as the player itā€™s irritating because we obviously know Shepard is fully herself, but he had only seen you once since you came back, and you were working with one of the most hated and feared terrorist group in the Galaxy. For good reason but again, he wasnā€™t there for your arguing and open dislike of Cerberus. He just saw the outside and it DOES look bad.

  18. One of the many awesome parallels in the series: on Ilos, you hear a terrifying Prothean transmission that ends in a super garbled voice repeatedly shouting "…CANNOT BE STOPPED…CANNOT BE STOPPED!" And here, you get a super garbled Admiral Hackett, also at the 11th hour just like the Protheans were, but instead shouting "…ONLY WAY TO STOP THEM!" I barely ever noticed how strong that is, probably because emotions were still running high from watching kiddo get toasted.

  19. I hope you stay spoiler free. Therefore, some spoiler free advice for ME3:
    – The "from the ashes" DLC (i think its called Priority: Eden Prime) should be done very early if not first since it gives you something you might want from the start on
    – The Leviathan DLC should be done bit later in the game, ONLY because you encounter specific enemys who are introduced during the game. Its kinda akward if you encounter an enemy you already know and everyone acts like they have never seen it bevore. There indroduction loses impact.
    – The Citadel DLC aka shore leave should be the last mission bevore the final, there is has the most impact and it kinda needs to "build up"
    – Dont rush the main missions (aka who starts with Priority), otherwise, side missions will disaper and you cant do them anymore.
    – If you are on the Citadel (you should visit it regulary) you can get new missions and VERY interesting informations and storys just by listening. For example, there is a traumatised soldier on the Citadel medbay, visit her regulary and you get everytime a new bit of her story.
    – get some tissues, you will need it.

  20. In Kaidan's defense, Shep is full to bursting with cybernetic implants, so ripping her open likely wouldn't help – and we know from ME2 they considered installing a control chip in her. I think in a video game answering a question more than once feels like overkill, but in real life this is a conversation that would probably take a lot longer than the game allows for.

    And if you think Kaidan is annoying about it, just be glad it's him that's with you, not Ashley (RIP).

    Stoked to see your take on the final entry in the series!

  21. I must have completely missed the fact that you're a fellow Liara fan … on the Bioware Social Network site there was a Liara appreciation group that had an issue with some of the more, shall we say, obnoxious Tali fans so we, I mean they, no I mean we, decided that we couldn't call ourselves Liaramancers because it was infringing on the "Talimancer" term. So we decided on the term… "Liarasexual". (As in some of the female members of the group — or male players of FemShep like myself– would say "My Shepard isn't a lesbian, she's Liarasexual".) I will admit that threatening Liara is a great way to push my berserk button in these games, and the weird part is, aside from gender I much more identify with Liara than Shepard. But every time I actually played Mass Effect 1, I'd romance Liara and stay faithful to her the entire trilogy. (I phrased that extremely specifically.)

  22. Glad you stuck with Vanguard because it's massively OP in ME3 … as long as you keep your cooldown reduction @ 200% or close to it. Biotic charge and Nova (I advise the double Nova variation) will be your bread and butter. Plus, contrary to the opinion of many, don't be afraid to utilize something aside from a shotgun … check out the Cerberus Harrier, it's great at short range and good at long range — the latter always being an issue for Vanguards.

  23. Actually, the Turians are pretty cool about everything, they're actually under attack by the Reapers whereas the Asari and Salarians still aren't and yet they throw you a bone, a possibility.

  24. only played the mass effect series for the first time earlier this year and WOW that was one of the best video game experiences being able to play though each one, and 3 has one of the best starts to the finale of a trilogy, you know whats comings and it doesn't hold back


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